United Way of Whiteside County launches pasta collection drive to feed children

Donations are being sought for the Whiteside County Pasta Food Drive for children.

ROCK FALLS — United Way of Whiteside County’s Let’s Feed Our Children program is calling on businesses, churches, and community organizations to participate in a pasta drive to help address childhood food insecurity this summer.

Let’s Feed Our Children has seen a 178% increase in demand over the past three years, serving over 42,000 free meals to children throughout Whiteside County during the summer of 2024, according to a news release.

“We are reaching out early this year because we anticipate another significant increase in demand for summer lunches for children who are food insecure,” said Keri Olson, CEO of United Way of Whiteside County. “With the community’s support, we can meet our projection of nearly 15,000 servings of pasta needed for this summer’s program.”

While businesses, churches and community organizations are being asked to help promote and collect donations, individuals also are encouraged to contribute. United Way is seeking donations of individually packaged pasta products such as Easy Mac, Chef Boyardee, ramen noodles and chicken noodle soup.

From May 28 through Aug. 6, the “Let’s Feed Our Children” program will distribute grab-and-go meals every Wednesday from noon to 12:30 p.m. at 20 sites across Whiteside County, including Albany, Erie, Fulton, Lyndon, Prophetstown, Morrison, Rock Falls, Sterling and Tampico. Any child 18 years or younger is eligible to receive four free sack lunches weekly, no questions asked.

Donated pasta items can be delivered to New Life Church at 702 W. Lynn Blvd., Sterling, during office hours from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday starting May 12. New Life Church is providing space for United Way to pack meals throughout the summer.

Organizations and individuals interested in participating or requiring donation pickup should contact Mardi Ybarra at United Way of Whiteside County by calling 815-625-7973 or emailing mybarra@uwwhiteside.org.

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