DIXON — Dixon Public Schools has posted an application form at the district website for persons interested in filling the board position being vacated April 20 by board Vice President Rachael Gehlbach, who is moving out of the district.
The term for the open position lasts until May 2023.
The deadline to submit for consideration is 4 p.m. Friday April 8.
A cover letter, resume and completed and signed application form are required to be sent by mail to board President Linda Wegner at 1335 Franklin Grove Rod, Dixon, IL 61021 or by email to Superintendent Margo Empen at mempen@ds170.org.
Candidates must meet the qualifications according to Illinois school code. These are:
Being a U.S. citizen, 18 years old, a resident within the school district for one year, a registered voter.
Registered child sex offenders are prohibited from applying. So are some other public office holders or those employed in some sectors of state and federal government.