Newman Central Catholic High School February Student of the Month: Shannon Kelly

Shannon Kelly

STERLING – Shannon Kelly, 18, Sterling, is Newman Central Catholic High School’s February Student of the Month. She is the daughter of Ryan and Debbi Kelly, and has a sister, Erin, and a brother Daniel.

Shannon Kelly, 18, Sterling, is Newman Central Catholic High School’s February Student of the Month.

Favorite class: Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities. It taught me things that a normal class would not.

Least-favorite class: Geometry. You should not have to use words in math.

Favorite teacher: Missy Rhodes. She makes sure each student has what they need to do their best in her class.

School activities in which you participate: Key Club, Kairos which is a retreat we go on and are able to apply to be a leader for, and Building Lasting Impressions that Never Die.

What will you do after high school? I will attend Iowa State, and study business.

What is something you learned in high school that you think you’ll never use? The quadratic formula. What I plan to study does not require higher math.

If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be? Longer passing periods so I have time to get to class.

If you could create any new class at your school, what would it be and? Food class. Learning how to cook would greatly benefit me and other students.

What does it take to be a successful high school student? Staying on top of your work, and not being afraid to ask for help.

Do you have a job? I work at Deer Valley Golf Club, and I really enjoy the people and the events that I work.

How would you describe your group of friends? Funny, reliable, and very much themselves.

What kind of music are you listening to? I listen to almost anything, but country is one of my favorites.

What is your favorite childhood memory? Spending summers at the lake with my family.

What is the best way to cheer you up? Make me laugh.

What is your life’s philosophy? Be the reason someone smiles.

What would you do if you received $1 billion dollars all of a sudden? Pay for college.

Your favorite:

Number: 22

Food: Mexican

TV show: “Friends”

Pro sports team: Cubs

Color: Pink

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