St. Anne School in Dixon celebrates Catholic Schools Week with visit to The Facility

A St. Anne’s School student shows off their balance Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023 at The Facility in Dixon.

DIXON — St. Anne School is celebrating Catholic Schools Week, devoting Tuesday to an afternoon of activity at The Facility in Dixon.

St. Anne is a school for students from preschool to fifth grade.

Students played basketball, tried out the balance beam, indulged in an interactive video game and played with a floor-sized version of Connect Four. Meanwhile, some of the teachers took part in a spirited game of H-O-R-S-E on one of the courts.

One of the highlights of the field trip was a visit from the Dixon Park District mascot, SPARK, whose acronym-like name stands for sportsmanship, participation, appreciation, respect and kindness. Those are the guiding spirits of the park district’s day camp programs.

St. Anne had a Pack the Pew event on Sunday and collected money for Ukrainian families. On Wednesday, St. Anne will entertain students from Newman Central Catholic. On Thursday, students will get a glipse at career opportunities and discuss their dream jobs. Teachers will be recognized in a ceremony at Newman on Friday. At 5 p.m. Saturday, families are invited to participate in the vintage circus gala at the Dixon Elks Lodge.

Throughout the week, students will collect coins for St. Jude Children’s Hospital.

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Alex Paschal

Alex T. Paschal

Photojournalist/columnist for Sauk Valley Media