Kael Ryan is February student of the month in Sterling

Kael Ryan is student of the month for February in Sterling

Kael Ryan is student of the month for February in Sterling.

He is an 18-year-old senior from Sterling. His parents are Joe and Melissa Ryan. His siblings are Isaiah, Abby and Carter.

What class do you find really engaging?

I find AP Psychology with Mrs. Jackson and anatomy with Mrs. Schlemmer really engaging. Psychology is so engaging to me because I like to further understand why people behave the way they do, and I just love the concepts we talk about.

Anatomy is so great because I am going into a field that is very closely related to the class, so I love to learn about the body and how it works and moves.

What are your career and post-graduation plans?

I plan on attending Augustana University in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and play football. I plan on majoring in exercise science and eventually going into physical therapy or a related field.

What are your two favorite activities?

I enjoyed basketball and football the most. Just getting to compete with my friends my senior year was so much fun. Football season was easily the most fun I’ve ever had in my life. Basketball couldn’t quite match the energy of football, but it was really fun to be able to compete in practice every day and have a good team for the community to come watch.

Please share a moment that was meaningful.

Numbers ball during homecoming week was very memorable because it helped us come together as a class, and we got to beat the younger kids in competition.

What is your hope for the future?

Very unclear – I could see my life going in a lot of different directions. I just hope I can be financially successful enough that I don’t have to stress about it, and I can enjoy my day-to-day life.

Each area high school or support organization has its own process for selecting student(s) of the month.

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