Sterling offers free trailer, supplies for neighborhood, park cleanup efforts

Groups are encouraged to use Team Up 2 Clean Up trailer for beautification projects

The city of Sterling's Team Up 2 Clean Up trailer, and its contents, are free for groups to use to spiff up parks and neighborhoods. Call 815-632-6657 and city workers will drop it at your doorstep, then pick it up and empty it when you are through.

STERLING – Here’s something not a whole lot of Sterling residents know:

The city has a trailer full of supplies that workers will drop off and pick up at no charge for those groups looking to beautify their local parks and neighborhoods.

The Team Up 2 Clean Up trailer is full of bags, blowers, mowers, saws, shovels, gloves, safety glasses – anything and everything that might be needed for a civic-minded group looking for a project.

You provide the people and the place, and one person to sign a waiver taking responsibility for its contents, and the trailer will arrive empty and be hauled away full of whatever waste, trash, garbage and detritus that can be scooped up.

Bored Boy Scouts? Idle Elks? Listless Lions? Restless Rotarians? Borrow the trailer for a day and do yourself and your neighbors a solid.

Call 815-632-6657, go to or email to reserve the trailer or for more information.

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Kathleen Schultz

Kathleen A. Schultz

Kathleen Schultz is a Sterling native with 40 years of reporting and editing experience in Arizona, California, Montana and Illinois.