FRANKLIN GROVE – A trail of red, green, yellow and orange streamed along rural roads Saturday as 40 tractors and their drivers took part in the Living History Antique Equipment Association of Franklin Grove’s tractor drive.
Farmalls, Minneapolis Molines, Cases, Olivers and John Deeres headed out from the organization’s show grounds in Franklin Grove for a 16-mile trek north to the Oregon Dairy Queen, where they stopped for a treat and “tractor chat” before heading back to Franklin Grove.
“When we decided to organize this, we didn’t know if we’d get five or 15 tractors. So having 40 tractors is a pleasant surprise,” said Tom Brown, an LHAEA member.
Some participants parked their farm machines on property Brown owns across from the DQ, while others opted for the DQ parking lot.
That’s where Remmer Schuetz, 88, of Ashton gave his 1958 Case 700 Hi Crop the once over.
“There were only six of these made in 1958 and then only 25 in 1959,” said Schuetz, who operates a tractor museum at his home on Watertown Road between Ashton and Oregon. “This tractor came from Wisconsin and we restored it. It was used for sugar cane. It did not look like this when we got it.”
The orange and “yellow sunset” Case is one of 70 in Schuetz’s collection. “I probably have too many, but I like them,” he said, smiling. “I used to be president of the JI Case Collectors Association for years.”
Nadezda and Izabella Cater, 18 and 13, of Dixon drove their great grandparents’ 1947 and 1942 Farmalls. Izabella’s smaller tractor – the 1942 B – couldn’t quite keep the pace with the bigger machines so she ended up being towed by another vintage Farmall driven by her dad.
“I just couldn’t keep up,” said Izabella, as she waited in line with her dad and sister for a treat at DQ. “It was my great grandmother’s tractor.”
When we decided to organize this we didn’t know if we’d get five or 15 tractors. So having 40 tractors is a pleasant surprise.”
— Tom Brown, LHAEA member
The oldest tractor making the trip was Clause Ortgiesen’s 1936 Farmall. The Dixon native pulled the vintage tractor on a trailer with his Ford truck so his wife could ride along comfortably.
Brown said the event might be held again next year. “We have talked about making it an annual event,” he said.
An upcoming event for the LHAEA is its 43rd annual Equipment Show, Aug. 5-6, featuring Case tractors, but with a standing invitation for all brands.
“At the show, you can view row after row of antique tractors and farm equipment, as well as witness threshing demonstrations, rock crushing, sawmill operations, potato digging, flour milling and many more activities from the past,” Brown said. “There are also a number of games and contests to keep your youngsters entertained.”
The show is open to the public and LHAEA memberships also are available for $10 a year, which includes club newsletters and an annual picnic.
For information or to join the LHAEA, call Brad Estock at 815-757-1460.