DIXON - It was Opening Day for Major League Baseball on Thursday, and it was also Reopening Day for the Leydig Center.
The popular resale shop located at 1107 Eyelet Road in Dixon has been closed since early November due to COVID-19. With that situation generally improving, the Leydig Center was able to open at 9 a.m.
A total of 41 volunteers put in approximately 610 hours the last four Wednesdays to prepare the store for business, according to Leydig Center Board President Susan Johnson.
“I had night jitters last night,” Johnson said. “I woke up at 3:30 in the morning and could not go back to sleep, so I need my nap. We are very excited about the reopening of the Leydig Center, and we hope that we don’t ever have to close it again. People were lined up at the door at 9 o’clock.
“They were ready to come in the minute we unlocked the door. Again, we’re hoping to add more hours and hoping to add more days, but we need more volunteers in order to make that happen. We thank the community for supporting us.”
There are currently around 40 active volunteers. If six to 12 more sign up, expanded hours to 2, 3 or 4 p.m. on Thursdays would be a possibility. If up to 24 volunteers sign up, another day could be added. Tentative plans would be to add one Saturday a month.
Donations may be dropped off on Thursday from 8 a.m. to noon, and items need to be sorted in boxes and bags so they can more efficiently be taken to proper departments.
Shoppers still need to wear masks, regardless if they have been vaccinated or not, and social distancing will be practiced.