Dixon High School November Student of the Month: Madison Cumberland

Madison Cumberland

Madison Cumberland, 18, of Dixon, is Dixon High School’s November Student of the Month. She is the daughter of Michele and Troy Cumberland, and has a brother, Brett.

Madison Cumberland

Favorite class: Psychology, because I like to have open discussions and I enjoy learning about how the brain works and different mental illnesses.

Least-favorite class: English, because writing is not my favorite activity, although I do enjoy reading.

Favorite teacher: Lisa Guenther. I have taken one of her classes three out of my four years at DHS. She is a very kind and understanding teacher and she has helped me a lot over the last few years.

School activities in which you participate: Soccer, Dance Team, theater, Key Club, and Student Council. I am also pioneering the Education Pathway for DHS with another student, which is where we get to help teach in a classroom and we will have 60 hours of supervised teaching and a teaching endorsement before we graduate high school.

Civic, church, or other volunteer activities in which you participate: The Penguin Project, where I am a mentor to children with special needs and I help them put on a musical. I am also a Student Red Cross Blood Program Leader, which means I help host/run blood drives throughout the year.

What will you do after high school? I plan to go to Illinois State University to study to become an elementary education teacher and/or possibly a special education teacher.

What is something you learned in high school that you think you’ll never use? Everything I learned in statistics. I truly have no idea how to use the information if I needed to.

If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be? I would change the way that some people treat others. Everyone is fighting their own silent battles and it does not help when people also drag them down at school.

If you could create any new class at your school, what would it be? I would create a college readiness class/after high school preparation class. A class to help students learn how to write resumes, apply to colleges, and interview tips, and also how to file taxes and other useful things that students are not taught at school.

What does it take to be a successful high school student? Successful high school students need to be able to work hard. School work is not the most enjoyable thing, but it helps students learn the material and even if you look over your notes for five minutes it is better then not at all, when studying for a test.

Do you have a job? I work at Culver’s. It is a very enjoyable atmosphere and I get to eat custard all the time.

How would you describe your group of friends? Really fun. I never stop laughing when I am with them.

Who is your best friend? Jacob Schumacher. He has been by my side since freshman year and I could not imagine going through high school without him, I can say it would have been a lot less fun.

What do you do in your free time? I really enjoy reading; my favorite genre is historical fiction. I also like to hang out with my friends. I also like going shopping with my super cool mom.

What kind of music are you listening to? I like listening to lots of different genres, but my favorite would have to be country.

If you could go anywhere in the world for free, where would it be? I have wanted to go to Paris since I was little. I want to witness all the beautiful art in Paris and drink in their rich culture.

What is your favorite childhood memory? Probably going to Magic Waters every summer with my childhood friends and my cousins.

What is the best way to cheer you up? Bywatching movies or going for a walk and clearing my mind with someone close to me.

What is your life’s philosophy? Think positively. Negativity will not get you anywhere in life, and even if I have an awful day I always look for someone positive, even if it is very small.

Do you have any pets? I have a golden doodle named Champ and three cats, Ivy, Missy Rose, and Milo.

What would you do if you received $1 billion dollars all of a sudden? I would give some to Penguin Project, so they did not have to worry about anymore show expenses for the future. I would use some for all my college expenses. I would give some to my parents for any expenses they will have in the future and for my brother to go to college. Lastly, I would take some of it and finally visit Paris.

Is there anything else you want people to know about you? I was Dixon’s Pinky Petunia last year, which was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

Your favorite:

Number: 8

Food: Sushi

TV show: “The Office”

Book: “Salt to the Sea”

Color: Yellow

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