OREGON — Firefighters are known for putting out fires, but on Saturday they started several—all for purpose of training and honing their blaze-battling skills.
A rural Oregon home served as the training site as a half-dozen firefighters from area departments took part in the all-day session.
“We set up several scenarios today,” Oregon Fire Chief Mike Knoup said as he commanded operations from his tent near the home on River Road, east of Oregon. “We went in and set some fires in the rooms and then firefighters went in and put them out as part of our live-fire training.”
With heavy smoke pouring out of the single-story, wood-frame home, firefighters entered marked doors finding their way through a maze of fire and smoke.
“We have about 30 people here today with five departments taking part,” Knoup said.
After that portion of the training was completed, officials set the entire home on fire, which caused a large, black cloud of smoke and ash to rise from the home along the east side of the Rock River.
“We just let it burn while protecting some of the other structures around it,” Knoup said. “Then we will put it out and find the any hot spots.”
The new owners of the farm site offered the home as a training site, he said.
“We really appreciate the Benesh family for allowing us to burn it. This really helps with training.”
Oregon, Byron, Franklin Grove, Dixon Rural and Stillman Valley took part in the training.