During the next 18-24 months, CGH Medical Center will undergo major construction involving the entrance, lobby, Admitting department, Auxiliary Gift Shop, and the CGH Café. The 20,000-square-foot project will enhance and modernize the most dated parts of the hospital and will provide a number of benefits, including:
- Expanded, comfortable lobby seating
- Improved patient flow and a more welcoming environment in the lobby area
- A more private and confidential admitting/discharge experience
- A new reception area
- Improved security surveillance
- Family/patient consultation rooms
- Upgrades and renovations to the CGH Café and the cafeteria seating area.
“This project is really about ensuring that our patients have the best experience we can possibly provide from the minute they walk in our doors,” said Cindy Zander, CGH Vice President of Support Services. “We want them to feel welcome and relaxed in an environment that reflects the high quality of care and service we offer.”
Phase 1 was completed in June of 2023 with a remodel of the Ryberg Auditorium and classrooms. Phase 2 began in July and will continue through Spring of 2024.
CGH’s Main Entrance is now closed, and all patient and visitor arrivals will be redirected through the West Entrance. Patients and visitors should park in the lot near the West Entrance, located between Locust St. and 1st Avenue. Visitors may also park in the East lot and use the East Entrance (that faces 2nd Avenue).
“All in-house construction is being completed by our internal CGH Plant Operations and Maintenance (POM) staff,” said Zander. “We are proud to say that by utilizing our amazing POM staff for a majority of this project, we’re saving millions of dollars in construction costs.”
Thank you for your patience during this challenging construction period. Make sure to watch for parking/construction updates on our CGH Medical Center Facebook page, through local media outlets, or visit www.cghmc.com/construction.
CGH Medical Center : 100 E. Le Fevre Road : Sterling, IL 61081 : 815.625.0400 : cghmc.com