Albany news
Beginning May 12, donated pasta items can be delivered to New Life Church at 702 W. Lynn Blvd., Sterling, during office hours from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
This spring, Whiteside, Lee, Ogle and Carroll county voters get to decide who will make the important decisions regarding their communities, schools, townships, fire departments, parks and libraries.
Before you head to the polls, here is a look at the candidates and the seats they are running for in Whiteside County's city, school and township elections.
Whiteside County voters in April 2025 will once again be asked to consider a countywide sales tax to help fund emergency dispatch services.
The Fulton City Council during a special session Thursday night selected Chad Hermes to replace Chief Nick Neblung when he leaves the position in January. Hermes started his career in Rock Falls and has also served in Albany and Morrison.
The only Revolutionary War veteran buried in Whiteside County was honored Saturday, Oct. 5, by the Kishwaukee Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, which installed a commemorative plaque at a cemetery southeast of Albany.
Whiteside County voters on Tuesday, Nov. 5, will decide whether to OK a new 0.5% public safety tax that would bring in about $2M annually to fund 911 emergency dispatch call center services or leave their city’s administration to figure out how to foot their share of the bill.
Property transfers filed in Lee, Ogle and Whiteside counties from May 24-31, 2024.
Kirkwood Community College graduates announced for spring 2024
All women are invited to “After Five” at 6:30 p.m. June 18 at a new meeting location – the United Methodist Church, 502 First Ave., Albany.
The Whiteside County Board is looking for another Republican to join its ranks in the wake of the Jan. 1 resignation of Larry Russell of Fulton.
Illinois EPA announces $3.4 million awarded to 92 community water supplies.
Masonic Soup Supper set for Nov. 16.
Weather was were biting – the perfect combination for the golden anniversary of the Whiteside County Sheriff’s Office and Mounted Patrol’s Youth Fishing Derby.
The National Weather Service issued a heat advisory for Sunday through at least Wednesday for most of northern Illinois, including Lee, Ogle, and Whiteside counties, although relief appears to be a least a week away.
In a letter sent to Cordova residents last week, the Cordova Fire Protection District announced it will be “embarking on a venture with Albany Fire Protection District to bring better ambulance service to our communities.”
The National Weather Service reports on major flooding from Dubuque to Burlington and all points in between.
Gunnar Wuebben is enrolled in ASC’s Basis Trading Essentials, a two-part course introducing students to the concepts of basis trading.
Twenty-seven candidates are hoping to become Whiteside County Board members Tuesday. Only 18 seats are available, however. Here's who's running:
Whiteside County voters will be asked Tuesday to increase the countywide sales tax by 1%. Here's why.
Services are set for Jim Shirk, 40, of Erie, the kayaker who drowned Tuesday in the Rock River in Dixon.
Mary Voss took part in Cadet Nurse Corps training
Mary Voss, 95, formerly of Morrison, Albany and Fulton, was recognized recently for her Cadet Nurse Corps service.
Albany’s former police chief pleaded guilty this morning in Whiteside County Court to leaving the scene of an accident, a misdemeanor.
Former Whiteside County sheriff’s candidate Sgt. Kris Schmidt retires today after 21 years with the department.
First-time and faster, more reliable internet service is coming to underserved areas of Whiteside and Carroll counties, thanks to about $10.3 million in state Rebuild Illinois funds awarded to three area providers.
The embattled former Albany chief of police pleaded not guilty Oct. 4 to leaving the scene of an accident, a misdemeanor traffic offense.
IDOT advises of its bridge repair projects in Whiteside, Carroll counties