News and articles about Broadway
This is a magnetic, engaging and captivating production, dramatizing the world of work.
This “Hot” ticket is for the most fun date night you could hope for. It’s not just “Some Like It … “ – it’s pretty much everyone.
There’s a lot to like here – first and foremost are the special effects.
While many talented actors will bring joy to theatergoers in the role of Sammy Campo, none will do it with quite the same magic as Jason Alexander.
The program includes selections from such musicals as “Phantom of the Opera,” “Miss Saigon,” “Jersey Boys” and “Les Misérables,” as well as hits by Queen, Elton John and The Beatles.
Take the A train, the flux capacitor or whatever you need to get to see this show before it leaves for Broadway.
Star of stage and screen Mandy Patinkin to appear in concert at the McAninch Arts Center on the campus of College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn.
Charlie Lettenberger earns Illinois High School Musical Theatre Awards nomination, with the top two prizes a trip to Broadway.
Our region has long been home to luminaries in varied facets of the art world. The Fox Valley Arts Hall of Fame placed its latest inductees in the spotlight at a gala celebration. Hear from the honorees.
This national tour is a gift to theater lovers and, in particular, to those who harbor a fancy for the revolutionary style of dance popularized by Bob Fosse.
“Before Broadway, There Was Operetta” is a free concert featuring two top vocalists, produced by the Norris Cultural Arts Center in St. Charles for the downtown Baker Community Center venue.