Channahon, Illinois news, headlines, articles, photos and more from the Herald-News and Shaw Local News Network
A driver led the Channahon and Wilmington police on a chase early Thursday morning before abandoning the vehicle, leading the police to issue a shelter-in-place order for the area around Sunset Drive near Galloway School.
A North American gray wolf will take center stage at the Forest Preserve District of Will County’s Mammal Madness event at Four Rivers Environmental Education Center on Saturday.
A Channahon man died following on a crash over the weekend on Interstate 55 in Channahon Township.
Cheryl Lee, president of Northern Illinois Home Builders Association and president of CL Design-Build, Inc., a custom home builder in the Chicago Western Suburbs, said the expanded Trump tariffs “will undoubtedly impact both consumers and the homebuilding industry."
President Trump on Thursday announced another round of tariffs as Will County farmers, car dealers, builders and others try to figure out how the new administration’s trade policy will affect their business.
Join the Forest Preserve District of Will County for Fossil Rock Weekend at Four Rivers Environmental Education Center.
State Sen. Chris Balkema, R-Channahon, is starting his first year in the Illinois Senate and has been appointed to committees.
Bring your child to the Joliet Public Library for a day of fun activities on Saturday.
Dozens of Illinois State Police troopers packed a Will County courtroom in support of Trooper Clay Carns, who died after he was struck by a passing vehicle last year on I-55 near Channahon. The driver is charged with violating Scott's Law.
Beginning Friday, 19 paintings depicting Smokey Bear, the immensely popular symbol of the U.S. Forest Service’s wildfire prevention campaign, will be on display at four Will County forest preserve visitor centers.
People from around the Channahon-Minooka area got their first glimpse at Canadian National’s plans for the Chicago Logistics Hub, an intermodal hub it hopes to have open in 2028.
Get back in tune this January with some Joliet-area live music, music trivia, storytelling that begins with music and more.
The Forest Preserve District of Will County’s annual celebration of bald eagles will be held 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 11, at Four Rivers Environmental Education Center in Channahon.
Sarah Goodin of Channahon completed all 212 of the Fall Frolic missions to win the Forest Preserve District of Will County's Take It Outside Challenge.
A Wilmington man has been charged with violating Scott’s Law in connection with the death of an Illinois State Police trooper on Interstate 55 near Channahon.
The village of Channahon said it will be able to lower its tax rate for the coming year, after approving its 2024 property tax levy request.
Museums around the world - and in Will County are participating, giving patrons a chance to learn and shop on Museum Store Sunday..
A vehicle “wanted for a homicide in Chicago” was involved in a crash on Interstate 55 in Will County and occupants were taken into custody, police said.
A Channahon man charged with attempted possession of a pipe bomb allegedly told police that he intended to place it in a bowl of candy for children “as it was Halloween,” according to prosecutors.
Halloween is Thursday. Here's a guide to find out when trick or treat hours are for your Will County community.
The Channahon Fire Protection District responded to a rollover crash on Front Street in Channahon on Sunday afternoon.
Celebrating its anniversary, Pesciolino Osteria brings a new look, menu and website to the restaurant in Channahon.
The Village of Minooka released a statement Friday afternoon voicing its concern over the heavy truck traffic that a Canadian National logistics hub currently in the planning process would bring to the city, though the hub, itself, will be in Channahon.
A traveling exhibit that focuses on old growth forests and savannas will open Tuesday, Oct. 15, at the Forest Preserve District of Will County’s Four Rivers Environmental Education Center in Channahon.
Expect major delays and lane closures along Interstate 55 near Channahon this weekend. Alternate routes are suggested, according to the Illinois Department of Transportation.
All lanes on Route 6 (Channahon Road) in Joliet are closed between Hollywood Road and Terry Drive Friday morning as Joliet police investigate two crashes.
Minooka Community High School senior Taylor Rodriguez has been named the Channahon-Minooka Rotary Club Student of the Month for October.
$1.9 million project includes patching and resurfacing is scheduled to begin this week on Route 6 in Joliet and Channahon.
Five awards were presented to alumni from the University of St. Francis of Joliet, including The Presidential Alumni Award, and one award from each of the university’s four colleges to highlight the university's diverse disciplines.
The Hines Veterans Affairs Medical Center will join with the Grundy County Veterans Assistance Commission for a program on Monday Oct. 7 at the Channahon Village Hall.
Pesciolino Osteria in Channahon recently revamped its menu and website and remodeled the restaurant in honor of its anniversary.
Wear your favorite costume and search for spooktacular natural and super-natural items in the forest at the Spooky Scavenger Hunt at Four River Education Center in Channahon.
Get into the spirit of fall by participating in the Spooky Scavenger Hunt at our Rivers Environmental Education Center in Channahon.
Pesciolino Oseteria in Channahon has an upscale, yet casual modern Mediterranean setting.
The Forest Preserve District of Will County is throwing a Pelican Party on Saturday, Sept. 28 at Four Rivers Environmental Education Center in Channahon. Live pelican presentations are scheduled.
Capacity of West Side Wastewater Treatment plant will be expanded to 18 million gallons a day.
Scott McMaster succeeds former director Mike Petrick, who was promoted to assistant village administrator for Channahon in August.
The Channahon Fire Protection District were assisting with a chemical incident involving a rail car at Americans Styrenics on Thursday. The situation was deemed not an immediate safety threat to the public, the fire district said.
A 45-year-old man who jumped off an inbound train in Elwood is expected to survive after he suffered injuries that led to the amputation of both legs.
Clay Russell, 61, was pronounced dead Sunday on Interstate 55 in Wilmington.
Motorists traveling in the eastbound direction of Interstate 80 should consider alternative routes to avoid the area, IDOT officials said.
Close out summer with a fishing excursion to idden Lakes Trout Farm in Bolingbrook. Two-hour sessions will be offered at 7 a.m. and 10 a.m., on Saturday, Sept. 21.
The winning Illinois Lottery scratch-off ticket was purchased at a Circle K gas station and convenience store in Channahon,
Will County is offering free recycling for electronics, household hazardous waste, metal, wood, clothing, books, toys, and more on Saturday in New Lenox. Pre-registration is required.
A new kayak rental station is now up and running at Will County’s Lake Chaminwood Preserve in Channahon and is ready to go for the Labor Day weekend.
Weekend and overnight lane closures planned for I-55 bridge project slated to continue into December.
Election candidate packets are now available for people seeking to run in the April 2025 municipal elections.
David J. Silverman, attorney for the village of Shorewood, said case laws have declared these types of shows protected by the U.S. Constitution’s first amendment.
Tuesdays through Sundays, Sept. 1-29, at Hidden Lakes Trout Farm in Bolingbrook stop by the Tackle Box bait shop to pick up your guide to the scavenger hunt.
A new paved path connecting the Lake Chaminwood Preserve in Channahon to the I&M Canal State Trail is now open. This new trail section connects via a bridge over the canal.