News about a club from Shaw Local
After decades of service, the Vernon Hills Lions Club is now facing an uncertain future, struggling to recruit new members as its ranks continue to shrink.
Tickets are $1 each, 6 for $5
Barbershop harmony-style quartets bring roses and romance as they convey ‘I love you’ in a song.
The group plans a one-year anniversary party featuring established poets' special readings.
The Kiwanis of Sugar Grove Township worked with the Sugar Grove Park District on getting the new swing installed at Chelsea Park.
Imagine a book club focused on death and grief. That’s what Hands of Hope began this year with its Turning the Page Book Club.
The program will be hosted from noon to 1 p.m. at the Batavia Public Library, 10 S. Batavia Ave.
The next meeting of the Hilltop Gardeners Garden Club will be held on Thursday, March 14 at the Oswego Public Library.
Angie Abraham, a sophomore at Glenbard West High School, and Emily Puchalski, a junior at Glenbard South, won the inaugural Glenbard Democracy Challenge.
Julia Voss of Lombard has received a $2,500 scholarship from the organization.
Colors of the blooms range from deep violet, magenta and lilac to pink, blue and white.
The Rotary Club of Downers Grove is accepting applications for its annual Charles Dickerman Music Scholarships until March 20.
The Downers Grove Public Library will introduce Accessibility Kits to its Anything Emporium, thanks to funding for the $5,000 project provided by the Downers Grove Junior Woman’s Club.
The Lombard Garden Club announced that applications for its 2023 college scholarships are now being accepted.
Three local charities receive grant funding totaling $35,000 – the largest single donation in the Downers Grove Junior Woman’s Club’s history.
An attorney will discuss “Aging of the Prison Population in Illinois and the Need for Elder Parole” at 7 p.m. Oct. 19.
Questions can be submitted by constituents in advance of the Sept. 29 forum, offered via Zoom.
Featuring a counselor and five school superintendents on its panel, League of Women Voters groups from several communities team up to present “Preventing Gun Violence Through a Community of Care.”
Radio-controlled aircraft to team up with Lamborghini sports cars for an air and car show Sept. 10.
Donated books, CDs and DVDs will be collected through Aug. 1.
The awards recognize the outstanding contribution to voter education and community service that has resulted from their volunteer efforts, benefiting the citizens of Glen Ellyn. The recipients are Barbara Kwaitkowsky, Bernadette "Bernie" Laszewski and Erica Nelson.
Anyone who likes hostas, the country’s most popular perennial, can take part in garden visits, seminars, displays, conversations with fellow hosta lovers, and other events in celebration of their favorite plant.
The AAUW Elmhurst Area Branch offers three scholarships of $3,000 each to women age 25 and older from the communities of Elmhurst, Addison, Bensenville, Berkeley, Northlake, Oak Brook, Oakbrook Terrace or Villa Park.