Stories about Fulton
The equipment will be placed below the water surface to monitor waves and water clarity from early April through mid-September, according to a news release.
1st Gateway Credit Union operates seven full-service branches in Fulton, Morrison, Sterling and Prophetstown, and Camanche, Clinton and DeWitt, Iowa.
Beginning May 12, donated pasta items can be delivered to New Life Church at 702 W. Lynn Blvd., Sterling, during office hours from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
This spring, Whiteside, Lee, Ogle and Carroll county voters get to decide who will make the important decisions regarding their communities, schools, townships, fire departments, parks and libraries.
According to the lawsuit, the female patient was at the doctor's office for a medical visit on Aug. 4, 2022, when he sexually harassed, abused and assaulted her. She also alleges in the lawsuit that the doctor “had a history of inappropriate sexual behavior with female patients."
Ed Britton, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Refuge Manager, Savanna District, will speak about the 100th anniversary of the refuge.
Change would allow for more parking on Fourth Street, officials say.
Before you head to the polls, here is a look at the candidates and the seats they are running for in Whiteside County's city, school and township elections.
See when State Sen. Li Arellano Jr.'s mobile constituent services will be visiting your town.
The dean’s list honors students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. The students also must have received at least 12 credit hours.
The screening’s goal is to provide parents a measure of their child’s development in areas of learning importance. The Bi-County cooperative and schools will offer preschool programs for special needs children ages 3 to 5.
Here is the list of schools that are changing their schedules Tuesday due to the cold weather.
The 40th annual Polo Farm Toy Show will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, March 1.
Donations will fund scholarships to send children to Camp Manitoqua.
Facemakers, a Savanna-based company that manufactures costumes, including those for team mascots, will be the topic.
A Morrison teen was reunited with his family Monday night after a search by multiple police agencies and local residents.
Chef Stephanie Godtke will be the speaker.
"Breakfast with Seneca: A Stoic Guide to the Art of Living” by David Fideler to be discussed.
$600,000 has been raised to cover SVCC tuition costs, in perpetuity, for Polo students who earn tuition through volunteerism.
He and his dad paddled through 13 countries from Winnipeg, Manitoba to Belem, Brazil.
Club donates final $1,000 to purchase new mat.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison has recognized students named to the dean’s list for the fall semester.
Connie Kuehn to focus on cruising from New York City to Quebec.
Whiteside County voters in April 2025 will once again be asked to consider a countywide sales tax to help fund emergency dispatch services.
A pair of “super-hospitable coffee lovers” are putting their touch on an iconic Fulton restaurant and bakery.
The Fulton City Council during a special session Thursday night selected Chad Hermes to replace Chief Nick Neblung when he leaves the position in January. Hermes started his career in Rock Falls and has also served in Albany and Morrison.
Mayor Wendy Ottens' letter of resignation, which was read at the council’s Nov. 25 meeting, was approved as were the resignation of Police Chief Nick Neblung and Business Manager Tammy Garibay’s retirement.
More than 587 students earned their bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees from Northern Illinois University.
Performances are Dec. 6, 7.
Stressed duties, lack of personnel at the agency and a concern for his own health cited as reasons for leaving.
The Rock Falls City Council heard a report Tuesday night about the consequences of a failed referendum that would have instated a 0.5% sales tax throughout Whiteside County to help fund emergency dispatch services.
“It’s A Wonderful Life” is the theme of Erie’s Hometown Holiday Parade scheduled for 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7.
Plenty of activities are planned for Prophetstown Proud’s 39th annual Lighted Christmas Parade at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 30.
The Lincoln Highway Commission’s mission was to create a thoroughfare across America. The route began at Times Square in New York City and ended in Lincoln Park in San Francisco.
Spearheaded by Sterling FFA Sentinel Kadielynn Nelson and President Grace Wetzell, the group worked with Meals from the Heartland, an organization made up of volunteers who package meals that are then sent to underserved communities.
CrossView Church, 703 14th Ave. in Fulton, offers a free community meal called The Table every Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m.
Harmon church's soup supper is next week, Rock Falls' Love Lights the Way to Hometown Holidays set for Nov. 21-23
The Prophetstown-Lyndon Food Pantry is open every Tuesday from 9-11 a.m. at the American Legion Hall at 215 Washington St.
Work scheduled to be completed by Nov. 1.
Red Cross says donation appointments are crucial this fall; $10 e-gift card given for coming to give Nov. 1-17.
Online hearing will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29.
Brett Cahoone charged with nine counts, remains jailed in Whiteside County.
Brian Richmond is a construction mechanic with Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 133.
According to Mendota police, Jonas W. Hobbs, 45, was injured when the pickup he was driving crashed through a guard rail at 12th Street and Augustine Avenue and ultimately came to rest on its driver’s side in a creek.
Here's a list of trick-or-treat hours, parades and trunk or treats on tap to celebrate the spooky season.
Blood collection disrupted by weather as storm threats persist through October.
This month’s presentation at the Fulton (Martin House) Museum pertains to the “Underground Railroad” as it relates to the strategic role played by Clinton County, Iowa and Whiteside County in the years prior to the Civil War.
Jeremiah Haas to be inducted in 2025.
Volunteers help make Morrison beautiful.
Whiteside County voters on Tuesday, Nov. 5, will decide whether to OK a new 0.5% public safety tax that would bring in about $2M annually to fund 911 emergency dispatch call center services or leave their city’s administration to figure out how to foot their share of the bill.