Lake Michigan
The city of Joliet plans a detection 'blitz' with rate of water loss at 29%. $68 million to be spent in 2025 to replace 30 miles of water mains.
In light of neighboring cities taking steps to transition to Lake Michigan water, the city of Lockport held a discussion explaining its decision to stay on its well system.
The City of Crest Hill has received a grant from the federal government providing funding to conduct water pipe testing ahead of the switch to Lake Michigan water in 2030.
A group of Kane County residents set out on a 10-day biking adventure around Lake Michigan, filled with camaraderie and exploration, covering nearly 1,100 miles and stopping at over 20 breweries along the way.
Within a week of announcing the resuming of Lake Michigan patrols, the Lake County Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit saved the lives of two teen paddle boarders who went adrift.
Grand Prairie Water Commission being established as overseers of Lake Michigan water project.
Sheriff John D. Idleburg has announced that the Lake County Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit will resume patrolling Lake Michigan waters located in Lake County.
On May 16, members of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois (ACEC-IL) organized a competitive engineering activity to 27 students in Stephen Rummel’s sixth-grade science class at Gompers Junior High School in Joliet.
Joliet replacing old mains to reduce rate of water loss still at 31%.
A $73 million state-funded project in Lake County aims to stabilize the last undeveloped Lake Michigan shoreline in Illinois and help protect native endangered species.