Marseilles, Illinois City Council news
The Marseilles City Council discussed a potential change in the city’s form of government during Wednesday's regular meeting, with Streets Commissioner Mike Scheib requesting a discussion to move away from the current commission style system.
Lifelong Marseilles resident Nathan Schaefer announced on Wednesday he is stepping down as Emergency Services and Disaster Agency Board Director effective immediately.
The Marseilles Public Library has announced a variety of events for the month of March, offering something for all ages.
Marseilles recently announced it will no longer allow public comments on its social media platforms.
The Marseilles City Council approved nearly $180,000 in security measures for the Middle East Conflicts Wall, and the new City Hall.
Bill Kuiper, one of the directors of the Seals-Campbell Funeral Home in Marseilles, asked the Marseilles City Council on Wednesday to consider taking over the Marseilles Cemetery Association and with it, the care of the city’s Riverview and Nichol cemeteries.
The Marseilles City Council on Wednesday held a public hearing regarding the issuance of $395,000 in general obligation bonds.
What’s next for the Timber Edge subdivision in Marseilles is not clear, though Constellation Energy has acknowledged that it has been buying up properties in or near the development.
Residents asked the Marseilles City Council about Timber Edge development and water concerns.
Documents show the city of Marseilles and Mayor Jim Hollenbeck reached a confidential agreement to pay a city official $15,000 in exchange for dropping a discrimination complaint.
Mayor Jim Hollenbeck and his wife, Sheila, on Wednesday contributed $1,000 toward the city's new dog park.
The City of Marseilles is considering an ordinance that would allow its Garbage Committee to gather pricing information for future negotiations.
At the Marseilles City Council meeting on Wednesday night, Police Chief Todd Gordon announced the promotion of officer Dan Ellis to the rank of sergeant and introduced the newest member of the department, officer Caitlyn Barnes.
The City of Marseilles is seeking grants that will help it repair its century-old sewer pipes
The public is invited to attend the Marseilles Girl Scout Troop 1667 “Walking Taco Tuesday” event, slated for 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19, at the Marseilles Public Library, 156 E. Bluff St.
Commissioner Bobby Kaminski told the Marseilles City Council that the new City Hall renovations are "going as planned."
The City of Marseilles is working out a few bugs in the water billing software that it installed last month.
Marseilles Commissioner Melissa Small asked Marseilles Elementary School Board to increase the salary of its school resource officer, Eric Yacko, to be more in line with state averages for the position.
The Marseilles City Council Wednesday voted 3-2 to keep the social media policy affecting employees and city officials.
Marseilles downtown could see all new streets, curbs, gutters and sidewalks, helping to make downtown buildings handicapped accessible – if the grant applications the city of Marseilles is seeking are successful.
Marseilles Eagle Scout William Workman has had his ploan for a GaGa Ball court approved by the city council.
The Marseilles City Council on Wednesday saw the police department promote one officer, hire another.
Marseilles will ensure the committee that has overseen the Middle East Conflicts Wall for decades will continue to play a role in the oversight of the memorial.
The Marseilles City Council accepted a donation of $7,000 from Marseilles Lions Club representatives Jodean Peek and Jim Hanlon, the funds to be used for the building of a $27,000 shelter, part of the Broadway Park improvement project.
Marseilles Mayor Jim Hollenbeck said Wednesday to the City Council and the audience the city will continue to make the most of a $600,000 Open Spaces Land Acquisition and Development grant obtained for the Broadway Park improvement project.
The Marseilles City Council reached a land lease agreement with CSX Transportation and now will maintain the area near the property line.
Donations are helping the city of Marseilles to complete summer construction projects.
Commissioner Mike Scheib on Wednesday urged the Marseilles City Council to make a commitment to repair Illinois Street.
The Citizens for Healthcare in Ottawa recently filed a complaint with the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice regarding OSF HealthCare’s plan to build a new Ottawa hospital and move medical services currently in Ottawa to Peru.
The Marseilles City Council approved a resolution of opposition to OSF Healthcare's plan to build a new hospital in Ottawa and move certain medical services to Peru.
The Marseilles City Council approved by a 3-2 vote the bid of $923,378 from Phalen Steel of Mendota for renovations to the new City Hall and police station.
The city of Marseilles will use a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields grant to assess the old Nabisco factory.
The Marseilles City Council approved Wednesday the base bid of $969,226 from Connelly Construction of Morris for the complete renovation of Broadway Park.
The Marseilles City Council authorized City Clerk Lesley Hart to advertise for bids for the renovation of 200 Riverfront Drive, or the new City Hall and police station.
The Marseilles City Council on Wednesday night officially swore in Todd Gordon as the city’s new police chief.
After hearing from many residents Tuesday, the Ottawa City Council next will meet with OSF to discuss its opposition to changes in local health care.
Citing increases in electric costs at both the water and sewer departments, the Marseilles City Council voted Wednesday to increase the city’s water and sewer rates incrementally over the next three years.
By a 3-2 vote, the Marsilles City Council approved a policy setting standards for speech, expressions and social networking.
The debate over the location of the Middle East Conflicts Memorial Museum continued at the Marseilles City Council meeting on Wednesday night, only focused more on whether it will move even a few feet.
The Marseilles City Council debated but finally cleared up confusion about the Middle East Conflicts Museum
The Marseilles City Council heard briefly from Eagle Scout Dylan Trettenaro of Marseilles Troop 799 regarding his project of putting a dog park near the Marseilles boat landing sometime this spring.
Design of the new Marseilles City Hall is progressing, the City Council learned on Wednesday night.
The Marseilles City Council lauded the idea for a dog park project by Eagle Scout Dylan Trettenero.
The Marseilles City Council on Wednesday approved Phalen Steel to design the renovations for the new city hall.
La Salle County may yet become a no sanctuary county, but County Board members decided Thursday the issue needs more discussion and sent it to committee.
Should any buses carrying migrants drop them in Ottawa, the city has created an emergency response plan that calls for temporarily taking care of them and quickly getting them to Chicago, officials said.
The Marseilles City Council on Wednesday night voted to amend its city codes to include a section regarding “charter transportation,” essentially putting in place a set of procedures to be followed in the event of a large-scale drop-off of migrants in town.
Here are 5 projects we'll be watching in 2024 in La Salle, Bureau and Putnam counties.
The Marseilles City Council on Wednesday heard a presentation from the non-profit group Here and Again Inc. and received plenty of suggestions, examples and food for thought in regard to helping create the city’s identity and to make it a tourism destination.
The Marseilles City Council will lower the city tax rate to help offset a massive increase in EAV.