News about a mayor from Shaw Local
Incumbent Geneva Mayor Kevin Burns and candidate Karsten Pawlik engaged in a spirited debate in a forum hosted by the Shaw Local News Network. Read the transcript from the candidate forum here
Incumbent Geneva Mayor Kevin Burns and candidate Karsten Pawlik debated the issues facing Geneva in the 2025 election for Mayor in a candidate forum on March 12
Joel Gesky on top priorities for Manteno: Continued financial stability, Improved transparency, Healing of a bruised community
Charles Steele: We are improving our water treatment system to meet environmental standards more efficiently and economically
Annette LaMore on a top priority for Manteno: Address current health and safety concerns regarding the type of businesses we allow in our community
Paul Hereley: I believe local law enforcement should be able to assist in identifying and holding undocumented migrants that are a threat to the safety of the public
Mark Kownick: Being an advocate for affordable workforce housing as well as affordable senior housing is critical to an overall healthy community
Listen to our newest podcast or read the transcript: Candidates for DeKalb Mayor talk about their top priorities ahead of the upcoming election
Genevra Walters on a top priority for Kankakee: Community policing is a strategy that emphasizes building ties and working closely with members of the community to enhance public safety and trust in law enforcement
Christopher Curtis on a top priority for Kankakee: Public Safety: This was the number 1 priority 4 years ago and will always remain the top priority. We will continue on the same path as the past 3 years, as it has been effective
David Boelk: We are improving our downtown and enhancing our parks to have a nice place for employees to want to live
John Walker: When it comes to public safety in our community there is nothing that I will let stand in the way and that includes money
Kouame Sanan: In my opinion, staffing the city for first responders is necessary, and I believe it is adequate because it's always better to be safe than sorry.
Linh Nguyen: More can always be done to ease taxpayer burdens. Our airport is a tremendous opportunity that is underutilized.
Cohen Barnes: One of the key ways we will continue to ease taxpayer burdens is by attracting more retail businesses and restaurants to DeKalb
Colton Otto: We should actively support local businesses by streamlining permits, ensuring business-friendly zoning and eliminating unnecessary regulations.
Todd Latham on a top priority for Sandwich: Infrastructure: Streets, Water, Sewer, Storm Sewer by applying for Federal and State grants with local matching funds or obtaining low interest rate loans
Trustee Jeff Keast defeated four-term incumbent mayor Paul Schore in Tuesday’s Bourbonnais Citizen’s Party primary race.
Shallen Gross: I am looking forward to working with the community to make sure that they are safe and that shelter is a priority for everyone
Jeff Grove on the biggest issue facing La Salle: Biggest opportunity is to continue to grow the General Fund. The City has currently been doing this by cutting spending, applying for and getting grants, and by growing our sales tax base, primarily in Downtown
What is the greatest issue facing La Salle? Gary Hammers: Our city’s poor tax revenue. Our city’s poor tax revenue is a direct result of inadequate support for local businesses
What is the greatest issue facing La Salle? Jamie Hicks: The greatest issue facing La Salle today is a lack of transparency, accountability, and responsible leadership in local government
Tyler Thompson: The greatest issue I feel is the lack of funding which stall the maintenance and development of the city
Dixon Mayor Glen Hughes discusses the city budget for this upcoming fiscal year and the slate of city council budget meetings to prepare the budget.
What is the biggest issue facing Peru? Douglas Bernabei: The city is now living paycheck to paycheck. Should the current practices of the incumbent mayor continue the city will no doubt be forced to have massive property tax increase, cuts in service or both
What ideas do you have to grow Peru? Ken Kolowski: Continue to build on our newly developed industrial park, continue to grow our retail base like Popeyes and Ollie’s keep growing Pohar subdivision in which 20 new homes have been built
Lora Vitek: The dam is important to me as it is to most residents and businesses in our Community. The Fox River is integral to our City and it is incumbent upon us to understand all the facts as it relates to keeping or removing the dam.
Clint Hull on redeveloping the Charlestowne Mall property: This is the number one issue our community talks to me about, and while I recognize that it is a tough one to solve, it does not mean that it is unsolvable
Kevin Burns: Economic development and environmental sustainability are not mutually exclusive goals. Geneva's commitment to both goals allow us to strike a balance when courting development and collaborating with interested developers
Top priority for Geneva? Karsten Pawlik: Bring back representative government to the city by restoring the power of the alderman. Currently City Government is upside down with the mayor and staff deciding what to address and vote on.
NAACP hosting Kankakee mayoral debate
Joliet is proposing the establishment of a citizen advisory committee to assist the City Council in developing the city’s comprehensive plan. The ordinance will be presented at Tuesday’s regular council meeting.
Lockport Alderman Darren Deskin plans to challenge incumbent Mayor Steven Streit for his seat in the April 1 election, suggesting term limits are needed
Lions Electric, manufacturer of electric buses and trucks, did not provide details on its future plans for its Joliet factory. Mayor Terry D’Arcy said he believes operations stopped as of Monday.
DeKalb resident Linh Nguyen’s name will not appear on the April 1 ballot for mayor after the DeKalb Electoral Board ruled Tuesday she filed her papers outside of the window “required by law.” Nguyen said she plans to appeal.
Petitions for candidacy in the upcoming April 1, 2025 elections for Lockport city offices and school boards are due between Nov. 12 and Nov. 18.
Although the candidate roster won’t be complete until nominating petitions are turned in before the Nov. 18 deadline, two familiar faces have told Shaw Local they will be in the running for mayor in April.
Sandwich Mayor Todd Latham was elected mayor in April 2021.
As honorary mayors of the day Monday, June 3, 2024, 10-year-old Kyleigh Galvan and Brinkley, the Sterling Police Department's comfort K9, served alongside Sterling Mayor Diana Merdian.
Rosemaria DiBenedetto has been named communications director for Joliet
City appears to have offered little resistance to two dealerships moving to Plainfield.
The one-year moratorium was to go to the City Council Land Use and Legislative Committee when it met Thursday but was pulled off the agenda.
City takes third enforcement action against vape shops since September.
The Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry went to Washington last week to talk with legislators about business issues. Boosting the workforce and asylum-seekers were on the agenda.
Joliet Mayor Terry D'Arcy says he hopes to have a permanent city manager named by Nov. 1
Joliet turns to traffic cameras to regulate truck traffic, while a federal shutdown could affect Joliet nurses contract talks. Will County high school students get career training, and Halloween is back at the "Stranger Things" house in Plainfield.
Recent appointments made to commission to promote arts in Joliet.
Stores closed for seven days for allegedly selling to underaged customers.
There does not appear to be any connection between Joliet Mayor Terry D’Arcy and a man charged with threatening to kill him, according to police.
Mayor Terry D’Arcy recently reflected about his first three-plus months in office, and the projects he considers the city's priorities.