News, articles, information, photos about Mendota, Illinois from NewsTribune and Shaw Local
Seven Illinois Valley mayors spoke Wednesday about their cities during the State of the Cities luncheon coordinated by the Illinois Valley Area Chamber of Commerce.
The St. Bede softball and baseball teams won conference games and more softball and baseball results in Wednesday's NewsTribune/BCR roundup.
A Streator man accused of strangling a woman was indicted Tuesday for murder.
The L-P baseball team beat Hall and more baseball, softball and soccer results in Tuesday's NewsTribune/BCR roundup.
Mendota junior Paxton Bauer made adjustments to a growth spurt and excelled in the second half of the season, averaging 197 and placing eighth at the sectional to become the third state qualifier in school history.
A look at the best boys bowlers in the NewsTribune area for the 2024-25 season.
The Mendota girls soccer team beat Streator, the Hall baseball team won big and more soccer, baseball, softball, tennis and golf results in Monday's BCR/NewsTribune roundup.
Firefighters responded to a structure fire at the former Platform 31 tavern on Monday on Water Street in Peru. The fire broke out just after 8:30 a.m. Peru Fire upgraded the scene to a third alarm, summoning fire departments from La Salle, Utica, Mendota, Tonica, Ottawa, Ladd, Spring Valley, Lostant, Cedar Point and Troy Grove.
The L-P baseball and softball teams won and more baseball, softball and track and field results in Saturday's NewsTribune roundup.
Here is a look ahead at some of the events or meetings coming up in the next week in the Illinois Valley.
The Mendota Historical Society will host historian Ray Tutaj at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 10, to screen a film on the creation of the nation’s first land grant railroad, the Illinois Central.
A look at the La Salle-Peru, St. Bede, Mendota and Princeton boys tennis teams for the 2025 season.
A look at the La Salle-Peru, DePue-Hall, Mendota and Princeton girls soccer teams for the 2025 season.
This spring, La Salle and Bureau county voters get to decide who will make the important decisions regarding their communities, schools, townships, fire departments, parks and libraries.
Peru police officers will be swapping out their shields and opting for blue in the month of April for Autism Awareness.
A look at the top boys wrestlers in the NewsTribune area for the 2024-25 season.
The Starved Rock Country Community Foundation recently welcomed two new board members who have a history of business success and nonprofit leadership.
The St. Bede baseball team and Henry-Senachwine softball team opened their seasons with wins and more baseball, softball and track results in Tuesday's NewsTribune roundup.
Mendota had a strong retail sales year in 2024 – but it fell a bit short of a record.
The contaminated site near Mendota’s train station won’t be cleaned up any time soon, but the city has identified an engineering firm to oversee the remediation.
The St. Bede, Putnam County and Mendota softball teams started the season with a win Monday along with more softball, baseball, soccer, track and field, tennis and golf results in Monday's NewsTribune roundup.
A look at the Putnam County, Mendota, Princeton, Bureau Valley, Earlville, Fieldcrest and Henry-Senachwine softball teams entering the 2025 season.
A look at the Putnam County, Mendota, Princeton, Bureau Valley, Earlville, Fieldcrest and Henry-Senachwine baseball teams entering the 2025 season.
The Fort du Rocher Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution met March 8, at the First United Methodist Church.
The AARP is hosting a driver safety program in Mendota.
The 2025 Illinois spring trout fishing season will open Saturday, April 5, at 58 ponds, lakes and streams throughout the state, including locations in La Salle and Bureau counties.
Illinois Valley residents will have opportunities to celebrate St. Patrick's Day across the region with a number of events, including parades in La Salle, Utica and Marseilles.
A La Salle County grand jury convened Tuesday and returned the following indictments.
Five candidates in Mendota were cordial and largely positive about the city’s future during a Tuesday candidates forum at the Mendota Civic Center.
Mendota candidates David Boelk and Shallon Gross for mayor; incumbent Jim Fitzpatrick and Joel Perez for 1st Ward; and incumbent Vicki Johnson for 4th Ward spoke during a candidate forum on Tuesday at the Mendota Civic Center. The event was put on by the Mendota Chamber of Commerce. Matt Ramer candidate for 4th Ward had a conflict and was not in attendance.
Route 251 south of Mendota was shut down about four hours Friday night after a vehicle struck from behind a vehicle that had halted due to mechanical issues. There was no shoulder.
For the Fall 2024 semester, the following students were named to the Presidential Honors list at Illinois Valley Community College.
For the Fall 2024 semester, the following students were named to the Academic Honors list at Illinois Valley Community College.
Last fall, a total of 162 students earned 185 degrees and certificates from Illinois Valley Community College.
Learn diabetes prevention and management skills from professionals at the next Diabetes Support Group Meeting from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Thursday, March 13, in Conference Room C, OSF St. Paul, 1401 E. 12th St., Mendota.
The Tri-County Conference has released its boys and girls basketball all-conference teams, while the Three Rivers, HOIC and Lincoln Trail announced their girls basketball all-conference squads.
The Mendota Historical Society announced the establishment of a lifetime endowment fund in collaboration with the Starved Rock Country Community Foundation.
David Boelk: We are improving our downtown and enhancing our parks to have a nice place for employees to want to live
The second annual Illinois Valley Library Road Trip begins April 6.
Sidewalks around Lincoln School in Mendota could be fixed in time for the start of the 2025-26 school year, weather permitting.
A Mendota man was picked up Monday as a fugitive by the U.S. Marshals Great Lakes Regional Fugitive Task Force.
The Mendota Area Chamber of Commerce will host a candidates forum on Tuesday, March 11.
Mendota police and Illinois State Police are investigating the theft of two sports cars reported early Friday from Schimmer in Mendota. One of the cars was recovered.
Joel Perez: We have great things going on in Mendota currently
Learn diabetes prevention and management skills from University of Illinois Extension Nutrition and Wellness educator Susan Glassman, MS Ed, CHES and OSF HealthCare clinical dietitian Jennifer Scully, RD LDN CDCES.
Shallen Gross: I am looking forward to working with the community to make sure that they are safe and that shelter is a priority for everyone
Vicki Johnson: We need to have ways to draw more people to our downtown like events and amenities
James Fitzpatrick: I feel we need to go forward with the repairs to downtown and promote any new business. I feel I am trusted and counted on to help with city business.
The Mendota boys basketball team won its regional opener and more boys basketball results in Monday's NewsTribune roundup.
Special Olympics supporters hopes to rake in $35,000 after dozens of bathers took part in a Saturday polar plunge in Mendota.