News articles and information
April is the perfect month to refresh your creative spaces, both figuratively and literally.
Anita Kronst, of Bourbonnais, is celebrating her 90th birthday with a family dinner.
Read the transcript: Barbara Larson and Michael Embrey, candidates for DeKalb City Council Ward 2 talked about housing and more issues that face DeKalb ahead of the April 1 election
Barbara Larson and Michael Embrey, candidates for DeKalb City Council Ward 2 debated the issues facing DeKalb ahead of the April 1 election in a Shaw Local candidates forum with Kelsey Rettke and Megann Horstead
Rick Fischer on a top priority for Bourbonnais: Public safety is one of my top priorities. I will continue supporting our police and public works services while investing in community outreach programs, especially school resources, to keep Bourbonnais secure and welcoming
This spring, Kendall County voters get to decide who will make the important decisions regarding their communities, schools, townships, fire departments, parks and libraries.
This spring, Kankakee County voters get to decide who will make the important decisions regarding their communities, schools, townships, fire departments, parks and libraries.
Read the transcript from our podcast of our candidate forum for St. Charles Ward 2 with candidates Ryan Bongard and Angela Churchill
Ryan Bongard and Angela Churchill, candidates for St. Charles City Council, Ward 2, in the April 1 election, answered questions about the issues facing St. Charles with Shaw Local’s Kevin Solari and David Petesch
Victoria Books on a public pool for Sycamore: I support a conscientious look at where to prioritize spending among all of the wide number of programs and services the Sycamore Park District offers
Should students be able to use AI in schoolwork? Twangie Smith: Our students are expected to complete their required school assignments using the skill and knowledge they are gaining. Those skills and their competence must be shown/proven
Municipal Bank recently announced the appointment of Marsha Lloyd and David Stejkowski to the Board of Directors.
Read the transcript from our candidate forum for St. Charles City Council Ward 5 between candidates Steve Weber and Lauren Duddles
Steve Weber and Lauren Duddles, candidates for Ward 5 in the St. Charles City Council April 1 election, debated the issues facing St. Charles in a Shaw Local candidate forum with Kevin Solari and David Petesch
Dag Grada on Hopkins Pool: My personal opinion has been that the park district should have proceeded with the design we had a handful of years back
Denise Ackmann on a top priority for the Sycamore Park District: Sycamore is experiencing growth, and addressing the needs of our residents is a positive challenge that I am eager to tackle.
Tia Anderson, candidate for DeKalb Park District Board, on Hopkins Pool: We needed a new pool. The pool was old and in disrepair. A hefty price tag was inevitable. However, I am concerned of the timeframe for completion.
Michelle Foster on top priorities for the DeKalb Park District: Hopkins Pool Construction First, we must focus on the new pool construction project to ensure it stays on pace for construction this year
Chad Jewett on a top priority for Sycamore parks: Expanding our walking trails and making sure they are connected to the places residents need to go – safely
Bourbonnais Elementary School District will be using advertising revenue from an electronic billboard in Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center to upgrade the school's gymnasium.
This spring, Grundy County voters get to decide who will make the important decisions regarding their communities, schools, townships, fire departments, parks and libraries.
This spring, Will County voters will get to decide who will represent them on their town, school, park and township boards, as well as weigh in on local referendum questions.
Charles Schneider: I believe in local control to determine use of cell phones and technology in the classroom and at school. It is best addressed as a school handbook procedure or school policy.
With a record of 31-14, the BBCHS Scholastic Bowl team will compete in the NAQT High School National Championship Tournament in Atlanta Memorial Day weekend.
Transcript: John Walker, a candidate for Mayor of DeKalb, answered questions about his positions on the issues facing the city, including roundabouts, from Shaw Local’s Kelsey Rettke and Megann Horstead
John Walker, a candidate for Mayor of DeKalb, answered questions about his positions on the issues facing the city from Shaw Local’s Kelsey Rettke and Megann Horstead. Get the podcast here or wherever you get your podcasts
Listen: DeKalb School District 428 candidates vying for three open full-term seats on the board debate the issues ahead of the April 1 election. Seven of the 10 candidates were present for the candidate forum
The BBCHS District 307 Board approved a change in the district's residency policy allowing the children of district employees to attend BBCHS without having to live in the community.
Bradley Hoey: I am running for the office of City Clerk to bring continuity, professionalism, integrity, and respectability to the office
Lynn Fazekas: I have a long track record of being able to work with anyone who is dealing in good faith with me
Iroquois County Sheriff’s Department deputies arrested Terry L. Gardner, of Milford, on several charges following a traffic stop March 13.
According to Kankakee County Sheriff’s Department release, 40-year-old Alexander M. Zaragoza was the driver of a vehicle sheriff’s deputies attempted to stop at approximately 3 a.m. Monday.
Michael Kelly on top priorities for Harvard: The top three priority areas are Infrastructure Improvements, Economic Development, and Efficient Effective City Government
Angie Serafini: I will support our police, fire, and emergency services while investing in mental health and community outreach programs to keep Bourbonnais a secure and welcoming place to live
A candidate running for a seat on the Kankakee School District 111 Board, Dajon Casiel, has been charged with Class A misdemeanor battery following an incident that occurred last year involving a current Kankakee High School student.
Huntley Village President candidates, incumbent Tim Hoeft and current village board member John Piwko debated the issues in Huntley ahead of the April 1 election in our candidate forum. Listen the podcast from the debate here.
The Om Well Collective Yoga and Wellness Center is set to open this month at the Majestic at 150 N. Schuyler Ave. in downtown Kankakee.
Bradley-Bourbonnais Community High School has entered the schematic design phase within the preconstruction process for its $70 million project to revamp the high school.
Read the transcript of our candidate forum with St. Charles School District 303 Board candidates Thomas Lentz, Jenna Hancock and Elias Palacios
St. Charles School District 303 Board candidates Thomas Lentz (incumbent), Jenna Hancock and Elias Palacios debate the issues facing the school board ahead of the April 1 election in a Shaw Local candidate forum
St. Charles School District 303 Board candidates Heidi Fairgrieve (incumbent), Kate Bell (incumbent), Antonietta Berton-Nicklaus and Kimberly Rich debate the issues facing the school board ahead of the April 1 election in a Shaw Local candidate forum
St. Charles School District 303 Board candidates Heidi Fairgrieve, Kate Bell, Antonietta Berton-Nicklaus and Kimberly Rich talked about the future of schools in St. Charles in a Shaw Local candidate forum.
The Zonta Club of Kankakee is currently taking applications for the Zonta Women in Business Leadership Award.
Stephen Cook on top priorities for Wonder Lake: Infrastructure, Water and sewer, Growth
Erika Young on top priorities for the district: I believe are the top 3 issues our district is facing are growing classroom sizes, teacher recruitment and bus transportation.
David Binz on a top priority for the township: Keeping the roads in good condition to insure residence safety. This includes snow plowing, salting, mowing, trimming of tree branches, resurfacing and blacktop repair
Barbara Larson on roundabouts in DeKalb: People are either 100% against them or 100% for them, no middle ground. I am thankful we voted to have an in-depth study conducted to see what might work best at north First Street and DeKalb Ave
Jim Luebke: I would bring the Township Supervisor's Office to the voters, by regularly reaching out to the residents on the issues before the Township at their doors, at community events, and through the local media
Mary Hess on a top priority for DeKalb Township: Expand Public Services and Community Events – Since 2021, the township has significantly increased the delivery of public services
Mark Pietrowski: We will continue to seek out economic development opportunities in Cortland to grow and diversify our tax base for the future.