News, articles and information about Oglesby City Council from NewsTribune, MyWebTimes and Shaw Local
A common question asked about the April 1 referendum is whether it’s advisory or binding. It is. If voters say "yes" then the city will hire a city manager.
The Oglesby City Council has a new commissioner. Austin Cullinan will replace Tony Stefanelli.
Commissioner Tony Stefanelli announced Monday that he is resigning from the Oglesby City Council effective March 3. He is moving out of Oglesby and must relinquish his seat.
The Oglesby City Council will vote in February on whether to add a liquor license, enabling a small chain of liquor stores to put a location on Route 351.
Evan Duttlinger is Oglesby’s new deputy police chief.
Upcoming financial decisions were discussed as the Oglesby City Council approved a proposed property tax levy of $1,623,300 for the upcoming year.
Oglesby Commissioner Don Finley announced his resignation at Monday night’s regular Oglesby City Council meeting, stepping down from his position as early as Jan. 6.
Oglesby commissioners suggested Monday the Plan Commission organize informational sessions to ensure residents are fully informed before voting.
A proposed change to Oglesby’s city government is in the process of being on the ballot in 2025, after a referendum was approved on Tuesday morning during a hearing at La Salle County Courthouse in Ottawa.
Dozens of Oglesby residents seek a structural change in city government and want it put to a referendum. A judge could decide next week whether to put it on the April 1 ballot.
Oglesby’s tax rate is going down – a little – but whether taxpayers will actually pay less remains to be seen.
Oglesby Mayor Jason Curran delivered a 9 minute statement in which he acknowledged engaging in conversations about restructuring Oglesby’s commission form of government but pushed back against what he called “gross and obvious” misstatements about the merits of making a change.
A petition is circulating to restructure Oglesby government. The Oglesby City Council might task the Planning Commission with studying that proposal. It won't happen without a fight.
Oglesby has a new police officer and soon will have a new squad car.
Monday, the Oglesby City Council laid the groundwork for opening itself to federal housing grants. When up and running, homeowners in need can apply for assistance with life-safety improvements in their home, such as adding handlebars to their showers,.
Oglesby also has a message for city residents: Whenever there’s a power outage, stay away from workers trying to restore service.
Oglesby Mayor Jason Curran said he’s been looking for a supermarket chain to build a grocery store in Oglesby – so far without success.
Oglesby has its first ordinance governing short-term rentals, commonly referred to as Airbnbs – a popular short-term rental company.
Oglesby is clearing the way for short-term accommodations, such as Airbnbs.
The Dickinson House in Oglesby could get a handicapped-accessible restroom.
Oglesby could extend Summer Fun Fest an additional night. Mayor Jason Curran was approached about a "preview night" with carnival rides available at a discount.
The Oglesby City Council might move its meeting time up one hour.
Former Oglesby Mayor Don Finley is returning to city government.
Oglesby Commissioner Terry Eutis announced Monday he is resigning from office, effective May 28.
The Dickinson House Foundation is clamoring for help to keep the Oglesby facility going. City officials say they want to help, but have big-ticket projects that must be addressed first.
A plaque commemorating longtime Oglesby Mayor Jerry Scott will be on permanent display at Oglesby City Hall.
Oglesby city officials will consider applying for a grant to rehabilitate about a dozen homes in need of upgrades.
Oglesby might get a “behavior-conduct” policy, but the first draft was deemed problematic Monday and the City Council tabled it.
Oglesby has a new police officer. Spencer Shaw was sworn in Monday.
A Yorkville company wants to expand some storage space in Oglesby, turning the adjoining acres into dozens of storage units. The Oglesby City Council gave its preliminary OK Monday, March 4, 2024.
Oglesby will get a freestanding coffee business, Bab’s Brews, to be located on the empty lot at Walnut Street and Columbia Avenue.
Oglesby intends to draw up an emergency plan that includes temporary shelter for those in need – a plan that could include, but goes well beyond, sheltering migrants.
Illinois Valley Community College’s forthcoming agricultural education center likely will be annexed into the city of Oglesby.
Oglesby City Hall will undergo a small upgrade to increase privacy during closed session.
As mayor of Oglesby, he oversaw a residential boom, cut electric rates and lured in jobs. The city's tax base grew $5 million in a single year. Jerry Scott died Friday. City officials pay tribute to his accomplishments.
If you own a $100,000 home in Oglesby, get ready to pay the taxman an extra $175 or more next spring.
Oglesby’s tax rate will climb about 8 cents and the city will hold a hearing to explain why it’s going up.
Monday, the Oglesby City Council tasked the Oglesby Ambulance Board with discussing how best to staff the city's fire and EMS companies.
Illinois Valley Community College is developing an agricultural facility and wants it annexed into Oglesby.
Oglesby wants to give its commercial district a boost – specifically by funding the facade improvement program – and has found a way to do it: Expanding a tax increment financing district to include downtown.
Police bicycle patrols aren't new to Oglesby, police had a seldom-used Schwinn for occasional use, but as the city increases outdoor attractions police decided regular bicycle patrols were needed.
Oglesby soon will have new burn restrictions, as Tuesday the Oglesby City Council voted 5-0 in favor of the drafted restrictions on open burning.
Oglesby police don’t need a dispatcher any longer – Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch fields the calls – so Oglesby will have an administrative assistant instead.
Oglesby residents who need refuge from the heat, or whose air conditioning has conked out, can report to one of the city’s cooling centers.
Oglesby is finally getting a dog park. Wednesday, the Oglesby City Council voted 5-0 to utilize a city parcel for a “public dog run” and then agreed to purchase fencing to enclose it.
Carus LLC’s insurers have, in fact, offered to fully reimburse Oglesby’s equipment loss in the January explosion and fire, a city commissioner confirmed Tuesday.
Carus Chemical’s insurers have offered to reimburse 85% of Oglesby’s equipment loss in the January explosion and fire. Oglesby said no and is holding out for more.
Oglesby police officers are getting in-car cameras and body cameras – and in time to meet a fast-approaching government deadline.
If you live in Oglesby and have an idea or concern, contact your commissioner or Mayor Jason Curran before a working meeting Thursday.
After taking the oath of office Monday, Oglesby Mayor Jason Curran wasted little time making changes, starting with reshuffling commissioners’ assignments and duties.