Prophetstown, Illinois news
Beginning May 12, donated pasta items can be delivered to New Life Church at 702 W. Lynn Blvd., Sterling, during office hours from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
This spring, Whiteside, Lee, Ogle and Carroll county voters get to decide who will make the important decisions regarding their communities, schools, townships, fire departments, parks and libraries.
Firefighter crews were on scene Friday at the Illinois Wildlife Game Preserve for 8 hours, with an estimated 600 acres burned and an estimation of more 40,000 gallons of water used before extinguishing a brush fire.
Ed Britton, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Refuge Manager, Savanna District, will speak about the 100th anniversary of the refuge.
Before you head to the polls, here is a look at the candidates and the seats they are running for in Whiteside County's city, school and township elections.
See when State Sen. Li Arellano Jr.'s mobile constituent services will be visiting your town.
The screening’s goal is to provide parents a measure of their child’s development in areas of learning importance. The Bi-County cooperative and schools will offer preschool programs for special needs children ages 3 to 5.
RNA Prophetstown Adult Chapter 516 will match up to $1,000 of the profits off the silent and live auction to be held at 2 p.m. Feb. 22, in the Reagan Community Center, 202 W. Second St., Tampico.
VanOpdorp has served since 2017 as chief financial officer, and was named vice president in 2018.
Iowa State University, Trinity Christian College and Aurora University also announce fall semester dean’s lists.
Donations will fund scholarships to send children to Camp Manitoqua.
Facemakers, a Savanna-based company that manufactures costumes, including those for team mascots, will be the topic.
"Breakfast with Seneca: A Stoic Guide to the Art of Living” by David Fideler to be discussed.
$600,000 has been raised to cover SVCC tuition costs, in perpetuity, for Polo students who earn tuition through volunteerism.
He and his dad paddled through 13 countries from Winnipeg, Manitoba to Belem, Brazil.
Several students from Dixon, Sterling, Rock Falls and Rochelle have been named to the dean's list.
A Walnut home was a total loss Monday from fire after the chimney collapsed through the roof into the home, taking out the first floor.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison has recognized students named to the dean’s list for the fall semester.
Whiteside County voters in April 2025 will once again be asked to consider a countywide sales tax to help fund emergency dispatch services.
Kim Gehling is a Geneseo native who graduated with her bachelor of fine arts and master of science degrees from Iowa State University.
Performances are Dec. 6, 7.
Stressed duties, lack of personnel at the agency and a concern for his own health cited as reasons for leaving.
The Rock Falls City Council heard a report Tuesday night about the consequences of a failed referendum that would have instated a 0.5% sales tax throughout Whiteside County to help fund emergency dispatch services.
Fire damaged a Sterling apartment building Tuesday night, causing three people to suffer smoke inhalation symptoms and two cats to be resuscitated.
A new family owned Italian cuisine restaurant has opened in Prophetstown.
“It’s A Wonderful Life” is the theme of Erie’s Hometown Holiday Parade scheduled for 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7.
Plenty of activities are planned for Prophetstown Proud’s 39th annual Lighted Christmas Parade at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 30.
FFA students from several local high schools work Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024, to make easy meals for the underserved.
CrossView Church, 703 14th Ave. in Fulton, offers a free community meal called The Table every Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m.
Wednesday morning's fire damage was limited to Country Inn and Suites' room 102, with water damage reaching the hallway.
The Prophetstown-Lyndon Food Pantry is open every Tuesday from 9-11 a.m. at the American Legion Hall at 215 Washington St.
Work scheduled to be completed by Nov. 1.
Red Cross says donation appointments are crucial this fall; $10 e-gift card given for coming to give Nov. 1-17.
Online hearing will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29.
Brian Richmond is a construction mechanic with Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 133.
Blood collection disrupted by weather as storm threats persist through October.
Jeremiah Haas to be inducted in 2025.
Volunteers help make Morrison beautiful.
Donna M. McKenna, 52, was charged with three counts of arson and one count of insurance fraud Wednesday in Whiteside County Circuit Court, according to court documents.
Whiteside County voters on Tuesday, Nov. 5, will decide whether to OK a new 0.5% public safety tax that would bring in about $2M annually to fund 911 emergency dispatch call center services or leave their city’s administration to figure out how to foot their share of the bill.
CrossView Church, 703 14th Ave. in Fulton, offers a free community meal – “The Table” – every Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m.
About 500 freshmen from six area high schools attended a BLIND (Building Lasting Impressions that Never Die) retreat Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, as a way to build leadership skills and understanding.
Volume I contains five written histories of Prophetstown; Volume II is a compilation of Prophetstown articles authored by Fred South and published by the Prophetstown Area Historical Society.
“Beethoven and Friends” is the general theme of the new season.
Asa Crook, the first settler in what would later be known as Prophetstown, built the home in 1839. The home still looks very much like it did at that time.
Brian “Fox” Ellis, internationally renowned storyteller, author and naturalist, will be portraying local Robert Ridgeway and focusing on the science and history of bird-watching and the Audubon Society at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 17, at the Windmill Cultural Center.
Fulton, Erie, Polo and Morrison are on the list.
The Bureau Valley community is rallying in support of Storm volleyball coach and alum Saige Barnett and her fiance, Hunter Oleson, who lost their Hoopole house to a fire on Sunday.
Gerald Armstrong started working as a firefighter at the age of 23 and quickly worked his way up the ranks.
Three of the four ramps connecting to and from I-88 will be closed as part of the project.