Spring Valley, Illinois City Council news
The Spring Valley City Council approved on Monday a $7,500 business redevelopment grant for Steve Lamis Edward Jones to renovate the property at 222 E St. Paul St.
Charlie Ellerbrock’s stories were “hang it on the refrigerator” material for scores of readers over the decades. He featured the accomplishments of athletes, teams, students, artists and entrepreneurs, among other community members.
The Spring Valley City Council has approved the construction of a concession stand and restrooms in the downtown Mini Park.
After years of trying, the Spring Valley Park Board has secured a carnival for the June 19-22 Summerfest.
The Spring Valley City Council on Monday announced that the city has come to an agreement with the 10/33 Ambulance Service to maintain that service moving forward, possibly initiating a significant sales tax increase.
The Spring Valley City Council gave its stamp of approval to the purchase of a water main and sewer camera and the monitor that goes with it, assuring the street department will have the tool on-hand in case of emergency.
Spring Valley will receive a $600,000 OSLAD grant to help it build new ball diamonds near JFK school.
The city of Spring Valley is looking into a partnership with an international company that would not only help it trim its energy and infrastructure costs, but also help it find the money to pay for it.
Jim Dabler saw something in his neighborhood he thought could be better and he did something about it.
The City of Spring Valley is weighing options involving federal grants advocated by the nonprofit Trees Forever.
The Spring Valley City Council on Monday weighed its options for replacing a shut-down water well.
The Spring Valley City Council talked Monday about installing sidewalks along John Mitchell Avenue and on some neighboring streets leading up to Hall High School.
The City of Spring Valley is awaiting IDOT approval on its 2024 Street Maintenance plan, which could begin as early as Monday.
The City of Spring Valley's planned improvements at Barto Landing are progressing, according to Mayor Melanie Thompson.
The Spring Valley City Council approved a measure that will make the city part of a nationwide system of police cameras to help track wanted individuals, missing persons and stolen vehicles.
The city of Spring Valley celebrated its new pickleball courts Tuesday at Kirby Park with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
The city of Spring Valley announced its new pickleball courts will be open Tuesday, Oct. 1.
The Spring Valley City Council on Monday approved participation in the 'America in Bloom' community development program
The Spring Valley City Council recently reviewed and unanimously approved the design of a concession stand and public restroom building for the downtown Mini-Park.
The Spring Valley Police Department promoted officer Matt Stank.
Spring Valley is seeking up to $650,000 in grant funds to be used to maintain 10 single-family homes, of which 100% must go toward low to moderate income housing.
The Spring Valley City Council is seeking more information from neighboring cities regarding electricity providers.
The Spring Valley City Clerk’s Office will be closed Monday, Sept. 2, for Labor Day.
The city of Spring Valley is developing a program for the approving and placing of private memorials in its public areas.
Spring Valley's plan for two ball diamonds has been pared back, because of grant limitations, but aims to provide the two diamonds, a walking path and parking.
Spring Valley Mayor Melanie Thompson is hoping the city can make Coal Miners Park more easily accessible.
Spring Valley Police Chief Adam Curran told the city council that the crime rate in the city is down 35% over tha last year.
Josh Pellegrini, a lifelong resident of Spring Valley, was promoted Monday to the rank of sergeant of the city's police department.
The Spring Valley City Council approved Monday the shift of $55,000 from the general fund to the recreation fund to cover the cost of the new pickle ball courts being built at Kirby Park.
The Spring Valley City Council on Monday granted Mayor Melanie Thompson permission to seek a new contract regarding the city’s electrical provider.
Ralphie Romo, the newest member of the Spring Valley Police Department, was introduced to the Spring Valley City Council on Monday night.
The Spring Valley City Council on Monday heard a presentation from Geneseo Communications about installing fiberoptic cable for high-speed internet.
Spring Valley Alderman Dave Pellegrini said Monday he had obtained estimates regarding the construction of a pickleball court at Kirby Park, to be located where the west sand volleyball pit is now.
The Spring Valley City Council approved a request by GROW Spring Valley to hold fireworks on Aug. 16.
The Spring Valley City Council is considering whether to move its annual Independence Day fireworks display to coincide with the Friday Night Market.
The Vuelve a Mi Mexican Restaurant in Spring Valley had its application for outdoor dining denied on Monday.
Surf Internet is making a pitch to brings its fiber internet service into Spring Valley.
The Sopring Valley City Council purchased a small tract of land so that it and an adjacent property can be cleared.
The Spring Valley City Council on Monday approved a raise for park employee Keith Urbanski.
The Spring Valley City Clerk’s Office will be closed Monday, Feb. 19, for Presidents' Day.
By doing a smaller repair on side thoroughfares now, more streets in Spring Valley could be included in the city’s annual Streets and Alleys Repair Project list.
The Spring Valley City Council on Monday night asked city attorney Colin Barry to draw up a revision to its residential rental property ordinance that will save the city some money.
The Spring Valley City Council entered into an intergovernmental agreement Tuesday with the Illinois Office of the Comptroller that will aid in the collection of debts.
The Spring Valley City Council on Monday approved the purchase of a new vehicle, transmitter and radios for the city's police department.
The Spring Valley City Council on Monday night discussed at length the leaf burning ban instituted just weeks ago and what to do about it now the leaf vacuuming machine is out of order.
To cap off what Heerdt has said has been a successful addition to Spring Valley, the Friday Night Market will move to the more spacious Kirby Park on Aug. 18 for what’s being billed as “the grand finale.”
The Spring Valley City Council saluted its softball state champions Monday.
Pickleball is coming to Spring Valley.
The Spring Valley City Council amended Monday its burning rules for residents, effective immediately.
Mayor Melanie Thompson told the Spring Valley City Council Monday a suitor for St. Margaret's Hospital has declined.