Peter Cirelli reflects on time in WWII as he ran a Toyko kitchen for Army General Douglas MacArthur and created unlikely friendships.
Mike Kenyon, a U.S. Army veteran from South Elgin, served nearly two decades on the Kane County Board, and nearly 10 years with the Kane County Farm Bureau.
Maggie Hill followed her aunt into the service and deployed to Kuwait for 10 months in 2014. Now Hill, a 2005 Oswego graduate, is a mentor to teens as a special education teacher at the high school and Oswego’s cheerleading coach.
While combing through old things at the sale, John Wright of DeKalb, local collector of historical military artifacts, found something he’d never encountered: a nearly completely filled out World War I Service Record. It details the life of Sgt. Albert Walter Leonhard.
As an optometrist, Ronald Weingart wants to improve the quality of life for the patients he sees.
Jason Stucky credits his time in the military with leading him to a fulfilling career and a loving family.
The Marines called him “Gramps” – Gordon Parks was only 23 – but the moniker was respectful. After two tours in Vietnam, Parks carried himself with authority and even his commanding officer took note.
Newman assistant football coach Todd Messer brings a valuable perspective as a marine veteran and retired police officer.
Marseilles resident Jack Leininger, a native of Varna, saves thousands of live with his rescue helicopter in Vietnam.