Joliet police board appointment may not hold up

Legal snag could put appointment in hands of new Mayor D’Arcy

Candidate for Joliet City Council District 4 Rosa Hernandez speaks at a forum for the candidates at the Joliet Public Library on Thursday, March 9th, 2023 in Joliet.

Mayor Bob O’Dekirk’s last appointment as mayor apparently was invalid.

On April 18, O’Dekirk reappointed Rosa Hernandez to the Joliet Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. The appointment was approved unanimously by the City Council without discussion. However, a state law regulating the fire and police boards includes a restriction against mayors making appointments within 30 days of the expiration of their terms.

O’Dekirk leaves office Monday after being defeated in the April 4 election.

Deputy City Attorney Chris Regis would not comment on whether the state law makes Hernandez’s reappointment invalid, but he did say that state law allows members of the board to remain after the expiration of their terms until a replacement is appointed.

“Even if her reappointment is invalid, she is going to hold onto that seat until there’s a new appointment,” Regis said.

Hernandez’s term on the board expired on April 20. The reappointment approved last week was for another two-year term.

Whether or not Hernandez stays on the board will likely be up to incoming Mayor Terry D’Arcy, who could reappoint her himself.

Hernandez and O’Dekirk could not be reached Tuesday afternoon for comment.

Hernandez was an unsuccessful candidate in the April 4 election in which she ran for City Council. She was among four candidates for the District 4 seat won by Cesar Cardenas, a D’Arcy supporter.

The five-member Board of Fire and Police Commissioners oversees hiring and promotions in the fire and police departments. The commission also can hear appeals of disciplinary cases involving police officers and firefighters.

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