Postal worker in Joliet Township robbed by armed masked man

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A postal worker in Joliet Township on Tuesday was robbed of a cellphone and some mail by a man in a ski mask who was armed, police said.

The incident was reported at 12:44 p.m. Tuesday and it occurred in the 500 block of Ontario Street, according to Will County Sheriff’s Deputy Chief Dan Jungles. The area is south of Interstate 80 and southeast of the Des Plaines River.

The suspect has not been arrested, Jungles said.

The postal worker’s vehicle was in a ditch and the suspect had asked the man if he wanted help pushing it out of the ditch, Jungles said.

The postal worker said yes and when he got out of the vehicle, he was robbed by the suspect, Jungles said. The suspect stole a cellphone and some mail from the postal worker, he said.

Jungles said the suspect was wearing a ski mask and armed with a semiautomatic Glock handgun.

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