Joliet nonprofits, volunteers provide ‘extras’ to Silver Cross patients

The Silver Service Cart provides ‘convenience and comfort items’

Silver Cross Volunteer Mark Sylvester pushes the Silver Service Cart throughout the hospital offering convenience items such as puzzle books and reading glasses to patients. Rotary Club of Joliet funded the cart and Holy Club of Joliet stocked the cart.

Silver Cross Hospital in New Lenox recently rolled out its Silver Service Cart, thanks to donations from two Joliet nonprofits.

Rotary Club of Joliet funded the cart and Holy Club of Joliet stocked the cart with free “convenience and comfort items,” according to a news release from Silver Cross. Volunteers roll the cart through the halls to patients.

The Silver Service Cart provides comfort to patients who may not have been prepared for their stay in the hospital.”

—  Sandra Martin Renner, Holly Club of Joliet treasurer

Items include blankets, coloring books, eyeglass cleaner, first aid kit, lip balm, magazines, puzzle books, reading glasses, sleep masks and tissues. Hospitalized patients receive a gift bag with “fun and practical items.”

“You’d be surprised how many people are in the hospital on their birthday,” Laura Valencik, Silver Cross director of guest and volunteer services, said in the release.

Mark Sylvester, a seven-year Silver Cross volunteer, said in the release that the most popular items are cards, coloring books and multi-puzzle books. He typically makes more than 100 visits each Tuesday.

If a patient isn’t up to visitors or is quarantining, nurses will often request items for the patient, Sylvester said. Sometimes Sylvester provides reassurance.

“There was one woman, a patient, who was told there was nothing more they could do for her,” Sylvester said. “I spent more than a half hour with her, just holding her hand.”

Sandra Martin Renner, Holly Club of Joliet treasurer, said in the release that Holly Club has a “long-standing tradition of supporting the work of Silver Cross Hospital.”

“The Silver Service Cart provides comfort to patients who may not have been prepared for their stay in the hospital,” Renner said.

Diane Cepela, president of the Rotary Club of Joliet, said in the release that the Silver Service Cart’s mission lines up with Rotary International’s motto of “Creating Hope in the World,” especially in the area of mental health.

“After the struggles of the past few years, the need for hope and support is greater than ever,” Cepela said, “affecting not only those with diagnosed needs but those who serve, comfort and support.”

To donate items for the Silver Service Cart,call the Silver Cross Foundation at 815-300-7105.

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