Will County under heat advisory, more severe storms expected

Will County — The National Weather service issued a heat advisory Monday, which impacts northern and central Illinois, including Will County.

The advisory will remain in effect until 7 p.m. on July 15, with heat indexes expected to reach 110 degrees, before another round of severe thunderstorms is expected to impact the area in the evening into Tuesday morning.

“Following a weekend of severe weather and rain, a humid afternoon is forecasted with temperatures in excess of 100 degrees,” said Will County Emergency Management Agency Director Allison Anderson. “We’re urging residents to take proper precautions and avoid prolonged periods of time outdoors.”

Hot and humid conditions this extreme can lead to health issues including heat stroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion after prolonged exposure or physical activity.

The Will County EMA has published a list of Centers of Disease Prevention and Control warning signs for these conditions including:

• painful muscles cramps or spasms,

• heavy sweating, fatigue,

• pale or clammy skin,

• a fast but weak pulse

• dizziness, nausea, vomiting

• headaches, or fainting.

These symptoms can indicate heat cramps or heat exhaustion. Heat stroke can result in throbbing headaches, confusion, dizziness, high body temperatures over 103 degrees, hot, red skin, rapid but strong pulse, and fainting.

During high heat periods, the Will County EMA recommends residents wear light-colored, loose-fitting, lightweight clothes, avoid strenuous activity outdoors, and use air conditioning in their homes or seek out public, air-conditioned spaces. The EMA noted that while fans help with air circulation, they do not do much to lower temperatures.

Residents are reminded to never leave young children or pets in vehicles unattended in extreme heat and to check in with relatives and neighbors who may not have access to air conditioning.

Most communities in Will County have cooling centers available in public spaces including village halls, fire stations, libraries, and other government buildings and meeting places. The Will County EMA has a full list of cooling centers available on its website, https://www.willcountyema.org/warmingcooling, and more heat safety tips can be found on the Illinois EMA site.

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