Joliet City Center Partnership: Here to help new businesses in downtown Joliet

Priscilla Cordero has been hired as executive director for the Joliet City Center Partnership and starts Monday, Oct. 11, 2021.

Anyone interested in opening a business in downtown Joliet should reach out to the Joliet City Center Partnership, according to Priscilla Cordero, executive director of the Joliet City Center Partnership.

“We’re one one-stop shop for opening a business downtown,” Cordero said.

The Joliet City Center Partnership’s “special area” also includes Cass and Collins streets, Cordero added.

Cordero said people don’t always know who to contact at the city of Joliet or if they need a special use permit.

The Joliet City Center Partnership can help business owners find those answers, she said.

“If you must get a special use permit, we can say, ‘Here’s the process and we can support you in that,’” Cordero said.

The Joliet City Center Partnership can also help business owners find the right location, look into grant programs and incentives, and “navigate city hall,” Cordero said.

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