Ventura backs Illinois program to help fight climate change on local level

Intent is to fund restoration of green areas, encourage tree and grass plantings

Under a new law led by state Sen. Rachel Ventura, D-Joliet, local governments will be able to apply for grants to help mitigate the effects of climate change and tackle growing emission rates from automobiles and trucks.

“Every level of government needs to address the climate crisis and do their part to help our planet,” Ventura said in the release. “The cost for an abundance of trees and native grasses can add up quickly, but this program will allow local governments that may not normally be able to afford these projects to take advantage of funding to do so.”

The Healthy Forests, Wetlands and Prairies Act would require the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to establish a grant program for local governments to restore degraded forests and prairies, encourage planting trees and grasses along roads to help remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and address flooding and prevent snow and dirt drifts, according to the release.

Under the grant program, local governments will be able to use the funds toward local projects for restoring or expanding forests, wetlands, prairies or other natural landscapes demonstrated to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, according to the release.

The grants also can be used for education and marketing regarding local projects or steps community members may take to promote the growth of native vegetation that removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

“Encouraging our local governments to play an active role in mitigating climate change is essential right now,” said state Rep. Hoan Huynh, D-Chicago. “It will take all of us to beat climate change, and establishing the Forests, Wetlands and Prairies Grant Program will allow us to better protect our environment. I look forward to working with all of my colleagues to continue to confront this challenge.”

Senate Bill 2781 was signed into law Friday and is effective immediately.

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