Will County offers free property fraud alert service

Karen A. Stukel,  Will County recorder of deeds

The Will County Recorder of Deeds Office said residents can take advantage of its free online service called Property Fraud Alert that allows them to register their name or the name of their business/organization with the office to monitor potential fraudulent activity.

Once registered with this service, subscribers will receive a notification via email, phone or text message in the event that a document is recorded involving their name, according the recorder’s office.

Property fraud typically is focused on the elderly, people who have paid off their mortgage and individuals with rental or vacant property. Will County has had isolated incidents of fraud and has assisted law enforcement agencies in prosecuting these perpetrators, according to the recorder’s office.

Property Fraud Alert does not stop fraud from happening, but it allows property owners the opportunity to take the appropriate measures right away if fraud is suspected, the recorder’s office said.

In most instances, the alerts will pertain to legitimate documentation that relates to the buying and selling of property. This service provides homeowners with an early detection system for potential fraud, according to the recorder’s office.

If a person is concerned about any documentation filed, the alert will contain recording information for accessing those records.

Property Fraud Alert is available at www.willcountyrecorder.com or by calling 1-800-728-3858. If you have questions or need assistance, you also can call the Will County Recorder of Deeds Office at 815-740-4637.

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