Joliet — The Joliet Police Department issued a warning to motorists ahead of the St. Patrick’s Day holiday and festivities to drink responsibly and drive safely.
The Joliet police will be partnering with the Illinois State Police and the Illinois Department of Transportation for a “stepped-up traffic safety campaign.”
“With St. Patrick’s Day falling on a Monday this year we expect increased celebrations throughout the weekend prior,” Joliet Public Affairs Officer Sgt. Dwayne English said in a news release from the Joliet police. “We urge everyone to celebrate responsibly. Please plan ahead for a sober ride home before you leave the house – your safety and the safety of others depends on it.”
Police will be doing patrols looking for alcohol and cannabis impaired drivers, speeding, and distracted driving, and will be stepping up seat belt enforcement, particularly at night when seatbelt usage rates are historically lower, according to the police department.
“When it’s time to leave, make sure your designated driver is sober. Remember that walking impaired can also be dangerous, so designate a sober friend to walk home with you,” English said in the release.
Designated drivers are reminded to be alert for impaired walkers who may not obey street signs.
Joliet police encourages all drivers and pedestrians to report any impaired drivers they see on the road to law enforcement, and to take keys away from friends planning to drive impaired.
The St. Patrick’s Day traffic enforcement campaign is funded by federal traffic safety funds from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration administered by IDOT.