LOCKPORT – The U.S. Postal Service will relocate retail services in Lockport from its 1059 E. 9th St. location to 950 E. 9th St., according to a news release.
The post office release did not say when the move would take place, but the aim is to relocate retail operations into one building with delivery operations. This also will provide better parking for retail customers. The Postal Service will provide the same retail services at the new location. Until the move is completed, retail services will continue at the 1059 E. 9th St. location.
“While the Postal Service is sensitive to the impact of this decision on its customers and the Lockport community, the Postal Service properly considered community input and this decision is consistent with Postal Service objectives. To be self-sustaining, the Postal Service must make decisions that ensure it provides adequate and affordable postal services in a manner that is as efficient and economical as possible,” the agency said in the release.
The decision is final and there will be no further administrative or judicial reviews, according to the release.