Troy Township to hold Advocacy & Fraud Protection for Seniors

State Rep. Larry Walsh Jr. speaks at a press conference to announce the Rialto Square Theater will be getting a five-million dollar grant, March 18, 2022.

Troy Township has partnered with State Rep. Larry Walsh Jr. to hold a presentation called “Advocacy and Fraud Protection for Seniors.”

It will be presented by Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul’s community outreach team at 6 p.m. Aug. 9 at the Troy Township Center, 25448 Seil Road in Shorewood.

Consumers can fall prey to many types of fraud or unfair business transactions. The attorney general’s office protects consumers’ rights and can assist when things go wrong. Scam artists often take age as a vulnerability. As a result, seniors are a frequent target of a wide range of consumer fraud scams.

The presentation will help seniors understand recognize potential fraud attempts and learn how to be ready to stop the scam.

For information, visit To reserve a seat at the event, call 815-744-1963 or email

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