Will County jail inmate charged with attacking inmate, other guards

Ronald Parker

Since June, an inmate at the Will County jail has been charged with striking another inmate on the head, kicking a guard and throwing a liquid substance on another guard.

The latest charges against Ronald Parker, 21, of Calumet City, are in addition to other charges that accuse him of attacking several employees last year at the Joliet Treatment Center in Joliet.

Parker had been an inmate at the facility, which is run by the Illinois Department of Corrections. The facility provides treatment for adult male convicts with severe mental illness.

Since May 11, Parker has been an inmate of the Will County jail, where he continues to rack up new charges.

Those charges alleged Parker struck another inmate in the head on June 8 at the jail.

Parker was also charged with striking a guard on the head and kicking him on Aug. 23, as well as throwing liquid substance on another guard on Sunday.

Will County Sheriff’s Deputy Chief Dan Jungles said he didn’t know what the substance was but he didn’t believe it was bodily fluid because no exposure report was filed.

Parker had been an inmate of the Illinois Department of Corrections after he was sentenced on June 30, 2020, to serve five years for an aggravated robbery conviction in Edgar County. The county is more than 160 miles south of Will County.

While Parker was at the Joliet Treatment Center on May 25, 2021, he was accused of spilling an unknown liquid on the face and body of a nurse, said Joliet police Sgt. Dwayne English.

On June 11, 2021, a corrections treatment officer was attempting to defuse a situation in a dorm at the facility when Parker threw feces through an open food port, striking the employee in the right leg, English said.

On July 24, 2021, another employee was escorting Parker to the showers and Parker spat in the face of that employee, English said.

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