Dog and drone help Joliet police make arrests, stolen truck crashes

Police arrest 3 men

D'Amonta Barber, 23, Joliet. Arrested by Joliet police on Dec. 31. 2022. Jan. 1, 2023.

Three men were arrested with the help of a drone and a police dog after a stolen truck spotted in Joliet on Saturday, crashed into an Interstate 55 barrier wall.

Joliet police said a Dodge Ram pickup reported stolen from Bolingbrook, was spotted at 2:57 p.m. on Essington Road.

Police attempted to stop the truck at Essington and Fiday Road.

“The truck stopped briefly but then fled from the traffic stop westbound on Fiday Road at a high rate of speed,” Joliet police said. “Officers did not pursue the vehicle due to the reckless manner in which the driver was operating the truck.”

In a short time, police were notified of a crash at Fiday and the Interstate 55 Northeast Frontage Road.

Police found the stolen truck had hit the I-55 barrier wall at the intersection, and the occupants were gone.

“Numerous officers” began a search helped by a drone and police dog, police said.

Three suspects were found in a neighborhood northeast of the crash and arrested without incident.

Police searched the truck and found a 9 mm handgun that had been reported stolen.

Arrested were:

Sean Bates, 24, Richton Park. Arrested by Joliet Police on Dec. 31, 2022. Jan. 1, 2023.

• D’Amonta Barber, 23, of Joliet, for motor vehicle theft, fleeing/eluding a peace officer, possession of a controlled substance, and obstructing a peace officer.

• Sean Bates, 24, of Richton Park, for obstructing a peace officer

• Isiah Requena, 22, of Plainfield for obstructing a peace officer

Isiah Requena, 22, of Plainfield. Arrested by Joliet police on Dec. 31, 2022. Jan. 1, 2023.

Barber was taken to the Will County Jail. Bates and Requena were released on I-Bonds.

Police said the driver in the truck was Barber, who also had Alprazolam pills when he was arrested.

All three were taken to Ascension Saint Joseph-Joliet hospital for treatment of minor injuries sustained in the crash before being taken to the police station for processing, police said.

The Will County Sheriff’s Office deputies and Shorewood police assisted Joliet in the arrests.