Will County provides grants for infrastructure projects

Application deadline is Feb. 24

will county, government

Will County is taking applications for $16 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding available to local governments for infrastructure projects.

Applications are due Feb. 24.

The funding can be used to support water, sewer or broadband infrastructure projects, the county said in a news release. Municipalities, townships, school districts and both public and private water districts are eligible for the funding.

“These funds are a significant boost to local infrastructure projects,” Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant said in the release. “Investing in water, sewer and broadband remains a top priority for local governments and special purpose districts. I encourage local leaders to apply for this grant opportunity.”

Grant funding can be used for construction, repairs, conservation efforts and green infrastructure, efforts to address contaminated drinking water, lead remediation or stormwater improvements.

“Infrastructure projects funded through this program should primarily benefit residents of Will County,” according to the release. “The funding request is capped at $500,000, but the total project cost may be in excess if the project has secured funds and does not incur debt.”

Will County has been allocated $134.1 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding as part of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds.

Allocation for infrastructure needs is the last category to be funded, the county said. Funds have been allocated under categories of health, infrastructure, economic development local government unmet needs and revenue replacement.

More information can be found online at www.willcountyillinois.org/arpa.

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