Channahon seeks residents to serve on Planning and Zoning Commission

Commissioners are appointed to five-year terms

The village of Channahon is seeking residents interested in serving on its Planning and Zoning Commission.

The village president appoints all commission members with the advice and consent of the Village Board of Trustees, according to a news release. Commissioners are appointed to five-year terms.

Commissioners typically attend one meeting per month to review development proposals, requests for zoning changes, special use requests or variations from the zoning code.

Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 6 p.m.

All commission meetings are open to the public and comments are welcome for all projects. Many types of projects involve a public hearing.

The village said it desires commissioners to have a wide-ranging background of experience and career focus, as well as geographic distribution throughout Channahon.

The time commitment for the position may vary, depending on the nature of items being presented to the commission, but generally two to five hours per month are required. This includes attending meetings and preparation in advance.

Attendance at most meetings would be expected. Commissioners are compensated $50 for each scheduled meeting they attend.

Those interested in applying should complete an appointment application form, found on the village’s website, and submit a letter of interest and a brief professional resume to Mayor Missey Moorman-Schumacher at the Village of Channahon, 24555 S. Navajo Dr., Channahon, IL 60410.

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