The Forest Preserve District of Will County will host a Mutts and Mugs program from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 2, at Forked Creek Preserve – Ballou Road Access in Wesley Township near Wilmington.
The free program features an afternoon of socializing with your dog and other dog owners while sipping some warm cocoa or coffee provided by staff. Bring your pup and your favorite mug.
“It’s good for all of us to get out and get some fresh air and socialization, especially in the heart of these cold, gray-skied winter months,” said Em Wilcher, the forest preserve’s recreation coordinator. “I’m looking forward to seeing some of our dog park regulars along with new preserve visitors for the event.”
Treats and activities will be provided for the dogs. The Will County Emergency Management Agency will be on-site with its AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailer and materials to help educate attendees on emergency preparedness for their pets.
“Unfortunately, with the example of fires in Los Angeles County in January, we’ve seen how unexpected emergencies can displace beloved animals from their families,” Wilcher said.
EMA staff and volunteers will be on-site to share information about the emergency response resources they have available and to answer questions about how pet owners can prepare for the unexpected. Additionally, staff will have a limited supply of pet emergency preparedness kits to give to participants.
The program also will feature giveaways including canine goodie bags from Pets Etc. of Plainfield.
Pick up a permit
A 2025 dog park permit is required to attend the Mutts and Mugs program. Permits, including $5 one-day passes, will be available for purchase at Forked Creek Preserve from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.
You must have a valid driver’s license/state ID number and current rabies tag, tag number and tag expiration date to purchase a permit.
Permits also can be purchased online or in person at a visitor center in advance. The Mutts and Mugs program is for those ages 13 or older. Registration is not required.
Attending this one-day event is a nice way to explore the dog park and possibly a new preserve.
“We’re excited to host this social time for dogs and their humans, especially for our residents in Wilmington and the surrounding area,” Wilcher said. “In the past, we’ve hosted programs and events at other dog parks near denser population centers, and this go-around we wanted to ensure we’re serving our neighbors in more rural areas.”