Year-end charitable giving can have a positive impact on your tax situation, your overall estate plan, and ultimately our community by supporting students at Joliet Catholic Academy. If you are considering a gift to support our current Angels and Hilltoppers, here are some tips from the JCA Development office:
Support JCA’s Annual Appeal
The Annual Appeal is the foundation of fundraising to maintain academic achievement within our school. The school community of parents, alumni, faculty/staff, and friends contribute financially to help bridge the gap between the cost to educate a student and the cost of tuition. JCA’s tuition covers only 86% of the actual cost of educating a student. As a faith-based school our mission is to limit tuition increases for all families. Donors can designate to specific funds such as tuition assistance, the school’s greatest need, or their specific interest. Make sure checks are dated and postmarked no later than December 31, 2021. JCA also offers the Annual Appeal via an easy to navigate and secure online giving website:
Invest in a JCA Student through Illinois’ Tax Credit Scholarship Program: Donate before December 31, 2021 for your contributions to count towards the 2021 tax year
At Joliet Catholic Academy, we believe like you do, that ALL kids should have access to their best-fit school, regardless of family income or zip code. The Invest in Kids Act Scholarship Program is the exact policy and program that can expand quality educational options for K-12 students in Will County. We need your support now – your voices, your stories, and your investment in current JCA students, so that future generations of Angels and Hilltoppers can continue to make an impact in Will County and all over the globe.
Currently, 20 students at JCA are receiving Invest in Kids Act scholarships through Empower Illinois, our Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO). An additional 125 students are eligible to receive scholarships, totaling over $1.5 million for the 2021-2022 school year. Already this year, over $4 million has been raised for Diocese of Joliet students through the Invest in Kids Act.
We attack this mission with ZEAL – great energy and enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective. The gift of a Catholic, Carmelite and Franciscan education is a noble cause, one that “Inspires Growth in Knowledge and Faith” and creates an environment that cultivates opportunities for academic excellence, meaningful service, Christian respect, and Catholic values.
Just as the Joliet Franciscans have lived the challenge and dream given to St. Francis of Assisi by Jesus to “Rebuild my Church,” we at Joliet Catholic Academy look to renew the commitment to Catholic education in our community by partnering with the Diocese of Joliet and Empower Illinois to provide these life-changing scholarships. We look to empower parents in our community, who know firsthand what school is the best fit academically, spiritually, and socially for their children.
I ask you to join me as a donor. Ensure that this legacy of excellence in education provided by the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate in our community since 1869, the Carmelites since 1933, and together as Joliet Catholic Academy since 1990 continues on. This is a BIG, BOLD MISSION rooted in a simple belief that every child should have access to high quality educational options.
Go Angels! Go Hill!
Ryan Quigley ‘03
Director of Admissions and Communications
815.741.0500, ext. 214