Sure, we know medications, household cleaners and gardening materials can be poisonous. But how about toothpaste? Or deodorant? Moth balls, which looks like snacks to children, are extremely poisonous.
According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, anything in or around the home can be poisonous if used incorrectly. And they want us to know during annual Poison Prevention Week that most poisonings happen at home and other residences, and children under the age of five are at the highest risk for accidental poisoning.
The AAPCC offers many resources on its website for poison prevention, as well as one phone number to call, no matter where you are, to check whether a substance is poisonous. At home, on the road, anywhere, the number for the Poison Help Hotline is 1-800-222-1222.
Experts on the line then can direct you to the closest medical care, including Silver Cross Hospital in New Lenox and its emergency clinics in Homer Glen and Mokena.
“When someone swallows a poison, time is critical, and Silver Cross and its clinics are well-equipped to treat accidental poison cases,” said Bess Metrou, M.D., who specializes in Family Medicine at Silver Cross.
“Make sure you are able to tell us what they swallowed or came in contact with, bringing in the box, bottle or whatever, if possible. That will save time as well. Calling the Poison Help Line will give you expert advice until a doctor can see you.”
But if the person who swallowed the poison has become unconscious or is having seizures, DIAL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY. Again, be ready to tell responders what the person took or came in contact with.
Be aware and be safe. Even if it’s not an emergency, call the Poison Help Line at 1-800-222-1222 to get more information to help prevent one.
Silver Cross Hospital
1900 Silver Cross Blvd
New Lenox, IL 60541