Year-end charitable giving can positively impact your tax situation, your overall estate plan, and our community by supporting students at Joliet Catholic Academy. If you are considering a gift to support current Angels and Hilltoppers, here are some tips from Ryan Quigley, Director of Institutional Advancement at JCA:
1. Support JCA’s Annual Appeal. “The Annual Appeal is the foundation of fundraising to maintain academic achievement within our school,” explained Quigley. “Financial contributions help bridge the 14% gap between the cost of educating a student and the cost of tuition. As a faith-based school, our mission is to limit tuition increases for all families. Donors can designate specific funds like tuition assistance, the school’s greatest need, or their specific interest.” Checks should be dated and postmarked no later than Dec. 31, 2023. JCA also offers the Annual Appeal online at
2. Invest through Illinois’ Tax Credit Scholarship Program. “At JCA, we believe all kids should have access to their best-fit school,” added Quigley. “The Invest in Kids Act Scholarship Program can expand quality education options for K-12 students in Will County. Your support helps future generations of Angels and Hilltoppers to continue to make an impact.” This year, nearly $6 million has been raised for Diocese of Joliet students through the Invest in Kids Act. Donate before Dec. 31, so your contribution counts for this tax year.
3. Planned Giving. The vast majority of wealth for most people is in their asset base, including homes, retirement accounts, and life insurance, as opposed to their income stream. “Giving from one’s non-cash asset base generally offers greater tax advantages than donating cash,” said Quigley. “The simplest way to donate from your asset base is through a bequest in your will or trust.”
Contact the JCA Office of Institutional Advancement at or (815) 741-0563 for more information about the benefits of supporting JCA.
Joliet Catholic Academy : 1200 N. Larkin Avenue : Joliet, IL 60435 : Ph: 815-741-0500 :