Wet vs. Dry Macular Degeneration: What to Know

Windy City Retina - Wet vs. Dry Macular Degeneration:  What to Know

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive eye disease affecting the retina’s central portion, called the macula. This condition can cause vision loss in individuals over 50 years old and is one of the leading causes of blindness in older adults.

There are two types of AMD: wet and dry. While both types affect the macula, they have distinct differences in their appearance, progression, and treatment options.

The main difference between wet and dry AMD is the presence of abnormal blood vessels. In wet AMD, these vessels grow beneath the retina and leak fluid or blood into the macula, damaging its cells and causing distorted or blurred central vision. Dry AMD has small yellow deposits called drusen that can thin and scar the macula as they grow, leading to gradual central vision loss.

Wet and dry AMD also have different rates of progression. Wet AMD progresses more quickly and aggressively than dry AMD. Without treatment, wet AMD can lead to severe vision loss within a matter of weeks to months, rarely even days, while dry AMD typically progresses slowly over several years.

Due to their distinct differences in appearance and progression, wet and dry AMD require different treatment options. While there is currently no cure for either type, effective treatments are available that can slow down the progression and help manage symptoms.

Wet AMD is treated with regular eye injections to halt abnormal blood vessel growth and leakage. For dry AMD, lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, consuming leafy greens and fish, and taking vitamins C and E may help slow its progression.

Dr. Ankit Desai at Windy City Retina can diagnose and treat both wet and dry AMD. He uses advanced technology and techniques to provide personalized treatment plans. If you are experiencing symptoms of AMD, or are noticing changes in your vision, call Dr. Desai at 815-714-9115 to schedule a comprehensive eye exam and discuss your options.

Windy City Retina – Ankit Desai

15905 S Frederick St

Suite 105

Plainfield, IL 60586


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