Enter into a magical world of myths and legends as Dragons & Mythical Beasts takes the stage at the Rialto Square Theatre in downtown Joliet on Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Unveil a myriad of dark secrets and come face-to-face with some of the most magnificent monsters and terrifying beasts ever to walk the earth. Discover the colossal Stone Troll, the mysterious Indrik and Japanese Baku, the tooth fairy, an adorable unicorn and a majestic griffin.
From the creators of the international smash hit Dinosaur World Live, who bring spectacular puppets to life, this award-winning show is back in the U.S. by popular demand, direct from London’s West End.
This show is appropriate for children ages 3 and older and has a 55-minute running time.
Tickets begin at $24 and can be bought at Ticketmaster.com. For more information, visit rialtosquare.com.