Crystal Lake resident April Noel is a playwright, actress and comedy improv founder about to step into another realm – that of film screenwriter and producer.
Noel has spent the past year writing and developing the film titled “A Year to Remember.” Her biggest challenge was writing and bringing a “relatable” story into the world. “Getting to see this medium come to life” and giving people who work in this industry creative opportunities are goals for Noel.
“Hopefully, it’s a chance to work on a fun, relatable, touching story,” she said. “I love getting together with talented people and watching them shine.”
Of course, along with the positives are the predictable negatives; it costs money to make a movie, involving expenses for equipment, licenses, cast, food and even locations. Different parts of the movie will be shot at different locations and at specific times of the year. It’s anticipated that shooting the film will span at least a year, and Noel insists that “this is not a film that will be shot in a few weeks.”
The motivation for “A Year to Remember” was the result of a conversation Noel had with her stepdaughter about the pros and cons of rom-coms.
“A Year to Remember” relays the story of a man involved in a car accident a few days after New Year’s Eve. When he awakens from a coma two days later, his memory is set back five years – just after the divorce from his first wife. He doesn’t recognize his second wife or stepdaughter, and now his family has to figure out how to move forward. Throw in the characters of a bachelor best friend, a meddling ex-wife, no-nonsense mother and sexy secretary and “A Year to Remember” is ready to go. Auditions for casting are soon to be announced (and should be interesting)!
Between 2019 and early 2020, Noel did a workshop and reading of the film script at Stage Left cafe at the Woodstock Opera House. At the time, the film didn’t get into production because of all the shutdowns and people’s cautiousness in light of COVID-19.
In 2024, Noel joined a filming studio. Working as an extra with indie film experience, she updated her movie’s 2019 setting to 2025. Although it was a “nerve-racking experience,” Noel is proud of what she has done and accomplished to date. She also created a Facebook page, and hopes to start a March fundraising campaign because of the current interest in “A Year to Remember.” (She anticipates that anyone who donates $25 or more will receive perks.)
Noel is not sure where “A Year to Remember” will show, perhaps even stream. But her dream is to unveil the film on the “big screen” before it’s released on a platform.
But that’s not all that Noel has under consideration at this time; her original play “Shutter Speed” premiered Sept. 17, 2023 at the Steel Beam Theatre in St. Charles, and now is vying for production at a Chicago theater as well as being a contestant in a play contest. “Shutter Speed” is a drama about the complicated relationship between Raina and her father, Richard, and the love and support of her friends, Nadia and Bram. It is a subtle, coming-of-age story involving recognition of who you truly are and want to be in life.
You really have to admire Noel – imagine the thrill of watching your words and ideas come to life and being able to experience an audience reacting to what you’ve created. Let this be a year to remember for Noel.
To contact April Noel or obtain further information about “A Year to Remember,” email or visit Facebook at
• Regina Belt-Daniels has been in love with the theater since the first grade. She has appeared onstage and backstage in many capacities ranging from performer to director throughout Illinois. This is her 11th year of writing theater reviews for Shaw Local News Network.