The Scene

Ottawa Concert Association to present master guitarist Paolo Schianchi

Schianchi is a master of variations of the guitar

Ottawa police were at Central Intermediate School on Monday morning to clear and secure the building, after a swatting threat was made at many schools across Illinois.

Master guitarist Paolo Schianchi will amaze the audience as the next concert in the Ottawa Concert Association’s concert series, organizers said.

He is scheduled to perform 7 p.m. Friday, March 14, at Central Intermediate School, 711 E. McKinley Road.

Schianchi is an out-of-the-ordinary musician and performer, able to master all existing variations of the guitar, from the Renaissance lute to electric guitars, to unique instruments that he has created – among them, a 49-string guitar he personally designed.

A native of Parma, Italy, with four degrees in music and communications, he was the first Artist in Residence in the history of Saint Francis University in Pennsylvania. He also was the first solo guitarist to perform at the Carnegie Museum of Art. His performance will include selections from classical to rock.

For ticket information contact Beth at 815-228-6474.

Derek Barichello

Derek Barichello

Derek Barichello is the news editor for The Times in Ottawa and NewsTribune in La Salle, part of Shaw Local News Network, covering La Salle, Bureau and Putnam counties. He covers local and breaking news in the areas of government, education, business and crime and courts, among others.