The Scene

Fox Valley Brass Band to perform with Illinois Brass Band March 30

Fox Valley Brass Band, shown in an earlier concert, will perform with Illinois Brass Band in a concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 30, at Wesley United Methodist Church, 14 N. May St. in Aurora.

Fox Valley Brass Band will perform with Illinois Brass Band at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 30 at Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora.

Victor Anderson will direct the Fox Valley band.

Scheduled numbers are “Proclamation” by Tom Davoren, “Hymn for Diana” by James Curnow, a memorial to late Princess Diana, “Esprit” by James Curnow and “Lincoln Posy” by Percy Aldridge Grainger, which is a musical portrait of six folk tunes sung by folksingers during his 1905-1906 trip to Lincolnshire, England. Steven Squires will direct.

The concert will conclude with the combined bands playing James Curnow’s “Fanfare and Flourishes” and “Amazing Grace” by William Himes. Victor Anderson will conduct.

Tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for students and seniors, plus a $1 ticket fee. Order tickets at

Wesley United Methodist Church is located at 14 N. May St., Aurora.

Fox Valley Music Consortium is an Aurora-based nonprofit cultural organization which provides fine musical performances for people of all ages. Performers are professional and high level amateur musicians performing groups, including several youth-education programs.

Member groups are Fox Valley Brass Band, Fox Valley Orchestra and Chorus, Fox Valley Jazz Big Band, Fox Chamber Singers, Fox Valley El Sistema, Fox Valley Youth Orchestra, Fox Valley Youth Chorus and Fox Valley Youth Jazz Big Band.

For more information, visit

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