ERIE – Those hoping for snow on Saturday for Erie’s Hometown Holidays Lighted Parade were not disappointed – thanks to one local business.
Hanford Insurance’s entry in the popular parade included a snow machine mounted in the back of a pickup and blew the fluffy white stuff up into the air and onto the float it was pulling, which included an igloo with the inscription “Protecting the Magic”.
The snow was the perfect touch for the evening with temperatures in the mid-40s. Before the parade, kids could write letters to Santa and enjoy other seasonal activities at the Erie Fire Station.
That’s where Mia and Lucas Keller, 9 and 6, made sure Santa knew what they wanted for Christmas this year.
“Pokeman cards,” said Lucas decisively.
“A laptop so I can play games and watch Netflix,” said Mia after she dropped her letter into the official “Letter to Santa” mailbox.
Maci and Ellie Wolf, 4 and 6, had a tablet and a Barbie doll on their list. “And I want a diary,” added Ellie.
And Rosalee Tenbor, 5, also wanted a Barbie and a stuffed animal.
In one room of the fire station, Santa and Mrs. Claus greeted kids and their parents as families made their way to the bay where all the kids’ activities were held.
And in one corner, Betty Habben quietly read a Christmas book as she sat in her rocking chair and kids gathered around her, sitting on a cozy rug.
The event was presented by Revitalize Erie and the Village of Erie and also included a soup supper at the Methodist Church, a drive-thru Nativity at the Erie Christian Church, and downtown businesses open during the evening with decorated window displays, refreshments and specials.