Sometimes the inbox delivers an unsolicited point-counterpoint example of exactly the type of fundamental politics that ought to command attention in Springfield.
Advocates say a major storm is brewing that could overwhelm the state’s child foster care system.
State Rep. Jackie Haas writes about how former Speaker Mike Madigan's legacy still looms over the Legislature.
Being unable to control how another government acts is rarely an impediment to discussing ramifications. And when there are harbingers of action, bracing for impact is fairly presented as due diligence.
The guilty plea spares a little emotion from a drawn-out trial, but there will be victim impact statements at sentencing and then life in prison for the killer. Too many other Illinois towns have their own grim anniversaries.
Toby Moore writes about the idea of keeping our heroes in the proper perspective.
We can’t entirely legislate consumer behavior, especially when the broader market involves interests far beyond one family looking to settle.
The latest report from the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability shows that spending on “core” state services in the governor’s proposed fiscal 2026 budget will be 9.1% less in real dollars than it was in fiscal 2000.